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I cutted myself today (11)

1 Name: Riyugasaki : 2018-10-09 06:31 ID:vpsLdAaV [Del]

the pain feels good. Emotionally soothing i like it

2 Name: Chrome : 2018-10-09 11:05 ID:SHDRMvJT [Del]

Cool. I don't care~

3 Name: h : 2018-10-10 14:24 ID:JD28n4Oe [Del]

>>2 what a dick
>>1 I know but you need to be really careful with it. Make sure you don't get any infections and don't go overboard with it. Preferably you won't do it at all but sometimes it may be the only way to shut the voices inside up. If you want to talk to someone about things you can go to the Dollars Discord. There's a lot of people willing to listen and talk there.

4 Name: Chrome : 2018-10-12 12:43 ID:7uK8Ai6K [Del]

Not a dick, I just don't care. I'm sure this person is just another kid who's looking for attention. Don't you think?

5 Name: Chromes a dick : 2018-10-12 13:01 ID:KzioxyjA [Del]

My name says it all.

6 Name: Kasagara !d87q5FRUyE : 2018-10-12 15:58 ID:Lg3ZPjq1 [Del]

>>4 You could literally not reply, then. If you're trying to act like some kind of character, don't. You come across as nothing but an asshole.
>>1 Cutting is not a healthy coping mechanism at all. If you need someone to reach out to, seek help from friends or even make a post here. Disregarding Chrome here, people are pretty willing to offer advice where they can.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: I agree : 2018-10-15 03:25 ID:KLmm+ee7 [Del]

Chrome is definitely a dick, not gunna lie.

9 Name: Riyugasaki : 2019-01-02 13:17 ID:dxzJ/Y7X [Del]

hi. Its me again. No im not trying to get attention, pressure has been a big factor in my suicidial intention. Suicide is no joke, and as i already got past this, I am still having doubts on going further.

>>5 you should really check on your personality. You dont have to tell me that you dont care because you can keep it to yourself.
Thanks for the support guys, i did get in touch with the discord server. though i am not that active in discord. I got through my problem with self-realizations. Looking, back, 3 months ago, its really a pain. But im still moving on.

10 Name: saber : 2019-01-04 19:53 ID:t+QNaAxv [Del]

I'm not gonna tell you to stop or get help bc that'd be hypocritical of me but it would a pain to get cuts infected to wash it with water and antibacterial soap. Covering it with vaseline or Neosporin helped with me. People change bandages from every 4 hours to daily depending. Good luck ^^

11 Name: Oz_zY : 2019-01-07 16:45 ID:0moczDDE [Del]

Dont. It could get infected plus, it really just doesnt do anything for you. Blood wont solve problems. Especially if it's yours.