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is my life a fcking soap opera or what (4)

1 Name: Tenshi : 2018-09-01 03:14 ID:y0osVcoT [Del]

I have a boyfriend.
And a problem.
So lemme spill the tea peeps.
My boyfriend, let's call him Pip, was a very good friend that I got to know through doing lots of academic things together. During that time, we had to spend a lot of time together preparing for a competition and we got to know each other pretty well. But I had never ever even thought of him in a romantic light at all. Until he confessed to me the day after the competition ended. Flustered, I agreed—because he was the smartest, kindest boy in our grade. As the smartest and most athletic girl in our grade, my standards, logically, had been met.
However, Pop is another guy friend—my best friend actually. He and I had been best friends for about two months before I had gotten closer to Pip. I shared everything with him, and he shared everything with me. I had exposed my ugliest to him, my worst, my fears, and he had accepted everything and helped me through the times when I thought my tears would never stop. I was the most comfortable talking to him, being around him. Being around him gave me comfort. And I realized one day, that I had some feelings for him. Not much, but they were definitely there. But I realized too late. I'm already dating Pip.
I still had to vent about my feelings to Pop, so I told him my situation of not liking Pip to him, and using another random boy that I had a history of liking before to fill in the gaps. He gave me some advice, but I'd heard it all before and didn't really help.
Another important piece of info is that Pop is much closer to my type than Pip. While Pop is tall (doesn't matter that much though), chill, a bit reserved, and quieter, Pip is bubbly, hyper, and honestly, an extremely cringey boyfriend—cringey enough to the point of driving me away. Also, Pop is not that intelligent but is much more athletic than Pip. Pop balances me out—as I am an extremely bubbly and hyper person—while Pip is like the copy-paste of me, which makes me view him as a friend rather than a romantic partner. In addition, my parents know about Pip and his "capabilities", and they approve of him. But they don't know my feelings for Pop, and I doubt they would approve.
Alright, so back to the main story.
When Pip confessed to me, he did it in school, in the cafeteria. In the cafeteria. In front of everybody.
Basically, I said yes because I was flustered (we were each other's first partners) and because I also felt pressured. And now I feel pressured to keep up our relationship because everyone knows about us. Everyone. And everyone vocally expresses that they believe us to go extremely far and long. We're talking years here. ;-;
Also, my school is extremely weird, so if I break up with Pip now, and get with Pop, rumors will spread. I'll become a "hoe" and a "slut". Pip has lots and lots of connections with upper classmen. And in high school, where connections matter, I'm screwed.
What should I do? Please help me. Being in a relationship with Pip is, frankly, uncomfortable. I keep comparing this situation to my imaginary situation of being in a relationship with Pop, and I keep yearning for the latter.
But then again, it's only been a week since I've been in this relationship.
But then again, I already feel tired of it.
Please help me.

2 Name: Kyrokin !qMeLsi91.w : 2018-09-01 04:43 ID:7D73fMvO [Del]

If you aren’t in love with him there’s no point in continuing the relationship. Continuing the relationship will only hurt you in the long run. If you want to avoid being called a slut, just wait a month before getting with pop.

Not all relationships work out, don’t be afraid of what will happen if you brake off the relationship. Some people are just not meant to be with each other, and the only way to learn is to move on.

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2018-09-01 19:03 ID:9V/jD+Ak [Del]

Okay. I've been in a similar situation.

My ex girlfriend asked me out in the cafeteria. She was really sweet about it, and so I said yes. We dated for 3 years before I broke up with her. But... After about a year and a half, I fell for my best friend at the time. I even kissed him while still dating her, and I felt so bad about it. (I did end up dating that guy, but for only two months.)

My advice is... break up with your current boyfriend. It's obviously not working out and like >>2 said, it will only be worse and hurt more as it continues. Then wait. Don't get into ANY relationship again for a while. Give yourself time to be single and think. I regret only waiting a month before dating that guy. And realistically, I shouldn't have dated him at all. I rushed into things and messed a lot up. Don't do it. You'll regret it.

Give it a couple months. If you still have feelings for the other guy, go for it. And don't worry about what other people think. Hell, that guy might not even be the right guy for you. And that's okay. After the drama with my ex girlfriend and boyfriend, I finally have a boyfriend that it feels right to be with. When you find that person, you will know. Good luck, I hope this helps.

4 Name: Menimi : 2018-09-01 21:54 ID:W7we5ChE [Del]

I agree with Kyrokin and EpicKeith. If you wait longer to break up with Pip you'll just end up hurting him more, and I'd say try to end the relationship in good terms. I'm assuming you don't want to stop being friends with him. Plus, if you want to want to be with Pop I'd say wait a month+ for obvious reasons. I'm not an expert on this subject but I hope this helps.