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Top Student (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-25 02:49 ID:1wAJqsOh [Del]

I want to be that. I have no particular goal in life so I want to start from there. I can study. However, I'm just terribly lazy. If a goal doesn't work, what can?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-25 09:51 ID:ptyFxBQd [Del]

If you happen to not be motivated by a goal you set in life then maybe you don't need one, but who said you need a goal in life anyway? All you need to do is live your way be that with a goal or without.

3 Name: Jesus Christ : 2018-08-25 12:25 ID:bm9NgJEt [Del]

Read the bible, it'll help.

4 Name: thornblade : 2018-08-25 13:46 ID:1CsSoEZv [Del]

Well, first of all I think setting yourself a goal in life is very important. If you don't have one you won't have a reason for studying and you will think: why should i study? I'll never Need it again in my life. Your current goal to be a top student is too weak. If you want to set yourself a motivating, strong goal, it has to be accurate, realistic and attractive. Example: why do I want to be good at school? To make my family proud./ To show my friends/ teachers how talented I really am./ To set the basics of my successful future and get the grades for my dream job, etc. Find your own personal goal. You can also imagine your later successful future. This helped me a lot to motivate myself, hope it'll help U too :)

5 Name: PassLight !vnOdm8Fzdk : 2018-08-25 14:10 ID:ptyFxBQd [Del]

>>4 Has a good point if you really want to have a goal and that goal is to be a top student then you need to know why you want that.