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Hello (4)

1 Name: Rei !dsEdT7PXnI : 2018-08-19 15:55 ID:w4we7tjN [Del]

I have been working with source modeling for games so I can get myself into the feel of it when I make my own game. Sadly it is very complicated and I feel like every time I get something working another thing breaks. I feel like I am just throwing myself into a saw blade every time something breaks but when somethings work it feels great and I want to keep going. At this point, I'm having trouble deciding if it's healthy to keep doing this. Should I keep going or should I just give up and uninstall all the software?

2 Name: Code : 2018-08-19 19:58 ID:vaLhAIw4 [Del]

Coding constantly breaks, when I use to code I would spend about a hour writing the code and another 4 hours fixing the code.

If you are going to continue coding, you have to understand that code is constantly breaking, it’s apart of the process, although annoying it’s too common.

So it’s up to you, only you can say if it’s healthy or not.

3 Name: Rei : 2018-08-19 21:20 ID:w4we7tjN [Del]

It's not programming it's source's bs api

4 Name: raise : 2018-08-20 11:52 ID:gs344/eB [Del]

>>2 's comment isn't unique to coding OP. For all sorts of software, there's a learning curve and as you said yourself, very complicated.

The problems will probably decrease as you become comfortable with the software, but you should consider taking a break.

You might be rushing the learning process, so take a break and do something else. Come back in a week or more and then try again. It might get better, and it might not.

It's not unhealthy to feel frustrated over a project like that. It is unhealthy, however, to push yourself past what you're comfortable with.