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How to deal with depression and anxiety (5)

1 Name: Iskandar : 2018-08-08 10:08 ID:lJpB/zZ8 [Del]

I been battling with depression and anxiety for months now. I have nobody to reach out to.I’m starting my freshman year at college too but I don’t think I have any gas in the tank to even start. I just feel like I’m a waste of space it be better off if I just disappear.

2 Name: Nottermad : 2018-08-08 19:28 ID:5Q4HJaAQ [Del]

I've gone through that many times. I find keeping busy helps me. I go to work a little more each week, I write out all my goals for my classes and knock them out, I rock climb (that's my favorite because it's fun and healthy and all my friends do it). Maybe try those out? Even if you don't climb you can find another activity and a community surrounding it. Good luck!

3 Name: Bluebell : 2018-08-08 21:40 ID:iMe2WJmC [Del]

Actuallty, I'll tell you a trick that I use in order to deal with anxiety. Whenever you go out, try imagining that you're the main character in a game, and everybody else is just an NPC - they're just there, and will probably the same lines after every 30 minutes.
Depression is another thing, though. It stems from one's way of thinking.And it's really hard having anxiety and depression at the same time, because sometimes, it's like wanting to do everything but not having the energy to do it and it's very conflicting. Keeping yourself busy physically and mentally wouldn't actually help you get better, but it would at least keep your mind off negative things - temporarily. So basically, you're just suppressing it, which might turn out bad for the long run. These are just coping mechanisms, though. If you want to get better, I think it's up to you. It's going to be difficult, but good luck. You've worked hard.

4 Name: Iskandar : 2018-08-08 21:57 ID:lJpB/zZ8 [Del]

Thank you guys that means a lot to me

5 Name: Bluebell : 2018-08-09 02:23 ID:iMe2WJmC [Del]

You're welcome. Wish you only the best in coping and hopefully you'll recover soon.