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Do you believe in soulmates? (7)

1 Name: raise : 2018-08-08 02:26 ID:4DErudqK [Del]

In high school, I met this girl. She didn't talk much, but we immediately hit it off. In a few weeks of meeting her, between talking about the latest anime and our art projects, I was able to tell her my personal family problems without it being awkward. In that same time, she told me about how she was bullied in the past and her own family life.

It seemed so magical to be able to talk so freely to someone, particularly someone who had some similar experiences.

Unfortunately, I had to move, and though I kept contact with her for about a year, she dropped off the grid. It's been 6 years, and sometimes I just suddenly think about her and drop everything I'm doing to try to find her on the web. My classmates don't know what happened to her. All the means I used to contact her are inactive. I don't even know if she's alive. Every so often, I wake up in a cold sweat after dreaming that I found her at university or something.

For me, soulmate is the only word that fits what she meant to me. I don't think it would still hurt so much otherwise.

2 Name: Soul heaven : 2018-08-08 02:59 ID:vaLhAIw4 [Del]

Ok, if you are truly scared and worried for her ask her family if she’s ok. If you don’t know her family you can knock on her door and ask if she still lives there. Either of these options are NOT creepy and not weird.

3 Name: Homofem : 2018-08-08 03:01 ID:N7IlP2KF [Del]

I hope you meet her again one day.

4 Name: raise : 2018-08-08 11:34 ID:yJDFoADX [Del]

>>2 Unfortunately, neither is an option. She was scheduled to move a year after me. She also stopped talking to mutual friends after I left apparently from what I asked them, so I have no way of tracking where she went.

5 Name: Soul heaven : 2018-08-10 20:13 ID:vaLhAIw4 [Del]

I guess there is nothing that you can do. As you said it’s been 6 years If you can’t find her your probably won’t be able to. The only last thing I can think of is for you to try to contact her family members online and ask if she’s ok, but apart from that there’s not much you can do.

You never know maybe you will be able to bump into her in the street one day. Remember it’s a small world out there, the amount of times I have came across people from my past who I had lost all my connections with is unbelievable.

I hope for the best for both of you, hopefully you’ll find her one day. But also remember there are lots of people out there, you may be able to find someone else who is just as good or even better than the person you remember.

6 Name: raise : 2018-08-11 12:57 ID:Y/2vBYlJ [Del]

I didn't mention this, but I feel guilty for leaving her. She told me her sister used to physically beat her and said little to nothing about her parents. I really should have tried to ed to find someone that could've helped her and still feel guilty about it. I think this is why we never hung out outside of school grounds. Not to make an excuse, but considering she was my first true friend, I didn't think that was weird.

I don't think I loved her in the romantic sense, but I know there aren't many people "better" than her. She was selfless in the Midoriya Izuku ssacrifical sense, and honestly, it hurt to be friends with her because of it. I don't actually want to meet someone like her ever again, if that makes sense.

Thanks for hoping that I'll meet her again, but I don't think I deserve it.

7 Name: Soul heaven : 2018-08-11 20:22 ID:vaLhAIw4 [Del]

The past is in the past now. The fact has it that you won’t be able to contact her. Feeling guilty on something you can’t change isn’t going to help you.

I understand what you mean by you wouldn’t want to meet someone like her again. I use to know this girl who it was painful to be friends with but I kept going back to her, she was like a drug you try to leave it but you relapse and go back to it. As much as I “loved” this girl I wouldn’t want to meet someone like her again.