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Starting High School.. (8)

1 Name: Heichi : 2018-08-07 21:28 ID:X+9FMH7B [Del]

I'm starting high school soon and am pretty nervous! The entire school is pretty big and I don't have many people I know in my classes.. I've also been alone for near the entire summer and, again, am nervous to be in crowds of people where I could say something wrong and mess up. Anyone have advice for getting used to high school and things?

2 Name: Fangi : 2018-08-07 22:36 ID:q4neh8pk [Del]

That's quite normal. Maybe get along with people with same interests of yours can help you at the beginning. You should enter in some club or group of whatever you like or you are good at. If you still feeling nervous just take a breath and remember that the other people around you are humans just like you and I.

3 Name: Snippet : 2018-08-08 02:35 ID:okz0wp/z [Del]

I just graduated highschool​ and I know where you're coming from. Just be open to new people and try to find common ground. Also, don't worry about messing stuff up. People will understand and worrying tends to create a vicious cycle of debilitating stress and anxiety. Just be yourself, be open to meeting new people, things will work out

4 Name: ldlove3 : 2018-08-09 22:05 ID:Ii/wAQFn [Del]

I know how you feel. A few years ago, I started going to college and I really only knew a few people from back home there. I also hadn’t lived away from my hometown or on my own before so it was pretty scary and a big step for me. But honestly I can say that it has been amazing!! I’ve met so many great people!! You will be totally fine, and the friends that you do meet will bring an impact onto your life. Make sure they’re good friends though lol! That they will be there for you and that they’re honest and down to earth people

5 Name: ldlove3 : 2018-08-09 22:08 ID:Ii/wAQFn [Del]

I’ll be praying that things will go smoothly during this new chapter in your life. Make lots of good memories!

6 Name: Heichi : 2018-08-10 02:07 ID:X+9FMH7B [Del]

Ah, thank you for replying! I'll take everything you all said into consideration.. needless to say I'm still a bit scared but I really appreciate it. ^-^

7 Name: Virin !2.aFHa/sBs : 2018-08-25 22:07 ID:o0rYEnSw [Del]

Try to be a friendly person and friendly people will find you. I've made the mistake of having the attitude of "I don't need or want to be friends with you" and just being nice to people works a lot better. Don't worry about mistakes, everyone makes them and the only mistakes anyone remembers is their own. Just take it a step at a time and you'll do great.

8 Name: Hachirou : 2018-08-27 14:51 ID:7kKyJo9/ [Del]

I have pretty much the same problem, all you have to do is be confident and you'll make it through fine. I had no friends at all for two years at one point this was about 3 to 5 years ago. I have friends but none that are as close to me as they think, and only one in my classes I'm a Junior in HS Just be friendly and like Virin said, the friendly people will find you. Also don't close yourself off from people, that will make things way worse.