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No fear in love (5)

1 Name: ldlove3 : 2018-08-03 05:41 ID:sv8YxxLL [Del]

Just got a reminder today from 1 John 4:18 that there is no fear in love. There may be times that we’re afraid to love because we’ve been hurt, or went through the loss of a loved one, etc. However, to truly love someone is to love, regardless of these things, and facing these fears in the name of love. So let us love one another full-heartedly and let go of the fears that are holding us back, for to love fully is to be truly human. 💕

2 Name: noone : 2018-08-03 13:00 ID:vLSspneK [Del]

Is the real purpose of a human "love"? I don't mean any harm, its just my curiosity as I see no purpose in the concept "love". ;)

3 Name: ldlove3 : 2018-08-03 15:57 ID:sv8YxxLL [Del]

You are totally fine. :) Some people may see life differently and value other things that make up their prupose in life and that is their own choice, because it is their life.
For me, I value love wholeheartedly because it’s how I see God. I am a Christian who believes that Jesus took my place and died for my sins on the cross because of his love for me. I do not deserve it, for I am a sinner, but through faith in him, my sins have been forgiven. However, it doesn’t mean that I am perfect though, since I still make mistakes, just like anyone would. I believe that, by loving him and loving others, I am truly living and fulfilling my own prupose, which is to glorify him with all that I am. For me, that is what makes love so important, because to me, God is love.

4 Name: Nigga sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2018-08-03 20:09 ID:qOGvZN+W [Del]

>>1 Get out of here with your religious dribble. The world should be over the original scam by now. the fact people still honestly believe this absolute garbage makes me loose hope more and more every day.

5 Name: Corley black : 2018-08-05 19:42 ID:2LE9MLiq [Del]

I feel sorry for number 4. Don't worry man, you'll wake up one day, and realize your world was fake