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Friend with Benefit (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-29 03:10 ID:VEG5Rryh [Del]

Is it a good idea to have one? Just to fuck for fun but have no romantic love. What problems will arise from this? I need advice.

2 Name: Well... : 2018-07-29 04:31 ID:vaLhAIw4 [Del]

the Problem with friends with benefits are that it’s harder for you to make meaningful relationships. When you have friends with benefits, sex become’s a game to you. This can cause you to no longer be able to form a meaningful relationship with a boy or a girl in the future. By this I mean the relationships you form could end up being a game of to fuck or not to fuck.

I have lots of friends who have had friends with benefits, and not many of them have been able to form a meaningful relationship with people afterwards. This was because to them sex was a game, it ended up being ‘I can get with girl she seems to be a slut.’

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2018-07-29 05:44 ID:Rk6Ndr8c [Del]

I would say no, it's not worth it.
A few months back, I was in a polyamorous relationship. One of the guys I was dating broke up with me cause he felt he wasn't in the right mindset for an actual relationship. A few weeks later, he offered, if I was interested, in being friends with benefits.
I'll be honest, I considered it. But I talked to the boyfriend I was and still am dating, and he explained it better than I ever could, so I'll summarize it for you and add a bit to it.
If that's what you really want to do, go for it. But from observation, they never work out. It can be fun at first, but it will feel wrong and draining as time goes on. Lacking the emotional connection can also bring feelings of emptiness. And whatever friendship was still there can easily be ruined. It is likely something you'll regret. Ultimately, it is up to you, but think it through and think if it is really something you want.
I'm glad he talked me out of it. Plus, it's just SO much better if you have an emotional connection to the person you're that intimate with. If you can feel comfortable and open, it will only be more pleasurable. So no, I wouldn't recommend having a friend with benefits. It sounds dumb and cliche, but wait for the right person. From experience, there's a huge difference in the sex from a hookup and a romantic relationship, and relationship wins by a landslide.
(Also, this should go without saying, but if you are still under 18, then absolutely not, don't do it. Over 18, think carefully and make the choice that's best for you.)