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Paranoid/losing a favourite animal (2)

1 Name: Eeek : 2018-07-26 14:53 ID:PW4+9ycX [Del]

This might be long.

I'm usually a fairly paranoid person to the point I'll think something is there when it isn't or I hear things without actually hearing if you get what I mean..I even block my ears when it seems too much. Or if I go to walk into a dark area I'll close my eyes and put my hand over until I turn on a light thinking so,etching is there. Weird I guess. But it seems to have gotten really bad lately like not wanting to walk downstairs to my room because I feel like something is there. Today my sisters cat which also happened to always visit me and would sit on my lap while I play games (sometimes step on the controller) got run over which I believe was purposely done as it had been hit by a bumper and not tyre. I now have a mental Image of picking up my still warm furry friend jaw slightly open with one eye popped out (not completely just enough to scar someone as it barley looked like an eyeball) even though about 10-15 minutes prior she was bothering me for pats. A few hours after the incident I was in my part of the house alone and thought I heard a single meow at the door but nothing was there I even clicked my fingers (usually brought whatever cat wanting in to come to me) and well nothing came, even now I think I can hear the bell on her collar..
If you read to this point thanks, I guess I just wanted to get it out

2 Name: SagePhantomhive : 2018-07-29 19:44 ID:kzabH4Jm [Del]

I feel like I used to get this and just put it down as anxiety. I'm sure there's a proper term for it. I used to also be afraid to open my closet at night and it would have to be completely closed in order for me to sleep because I felt like something was watching me. I would pin my curtains shut so I would see no darkness would be seen because I was afraid something was watching me. And even when my cats weren't around, I thought sometimes I could see one at the corner of my eye walking past me only to realize it was never there. I've heard stories from other people and I really think it was something to do with anxiety. Like, you know something isn't there but you feel strongly that something is and therefore, it terrorizes you. So hear is my advice. Stop watching scary movies, always turn on the light before going to any room, and things might ease up when you're older. Things eased up a lot when I moved in with my boyfriend and now fiance. Sleeping next to him and being around him made me feel safe. I still get that anxiety when I'm alone but I get passed it because I've gotten braver. The scary movies thing helped tho. Not watching them stopped putting new nonsense in my head.