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How do I naturally confess to a girl? (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-21 08:29 ID:VEG5Rryh [Del]

The title says it all.

2 Name: Homofem : 2018-07-21 08:39 ID:N7IlP2KF [Del]

You walk up to her, tell her that you would like to talk to her in private, then confess to her. You can give her a letter of confession as well.

3 Name: Mike hunt : 2018-07-21 09:30 ID:vaLhAIw4 [Del]

You could just walk up to her and say you like her. That way you look more confident, a letter of confession can work but lacks a major boost of confidence that just talking to the girl gives you.

4 Name: LittleRat : 2018-07-27 12:07 ID:IzbJveuQ [Del]

Privacy and lots of courage. Be ready for anything and just make sure you don,t run away before its over. Best advice i can give. Its often a little akward but its part of it don't worry.
Just don't be a dick and attempt to tell her.

5 Name: Skadi : 2018-07-29 01:31 ID:wrEJs/kX [Del]

Just be blunt and clear (and in a more private setting/not with her friends or other random people around). It's going to be awkward no matter what. And even if she says no, she'll still be glad you confessed.

6 Name: SagePhantomhive : 2018-07-29 19:14 ID:Zm2Ie+xc [Del]

In my opinion, the most natural way is to take ask her out on a date and create a nice experience with her. Be funny and try to not allow awkward silences to occur. After a few dates, she'll probably get the hint that you like her and then you can ask if she'd like to be your girlfriend. However, if you're still a kid and under the age of 18 and don't have a job, totally ignore what I said lol Its been a while since I've been in high school and I sort of forgot how high school confessions worked lol I never personally had to do one. I suppose all I remember from like 5 years ago is that they would always be super nice to me and if I would accept their kindness and them hugging on me, they would ask me to be their girlfriend after like a couple of weeks.

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