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Help... (4)

1 Name: Scorpia : 2018-07-17 00:51 ID:tieyhByR [Del]

So, this is kinda relationship based. Please bear with me. My current boyfriend and I have been together for about a month and a half. However, we met on... certain terms. We met the night that I had attempted to kill myself for the 25th time. He was supposed to fly out to be with his ex in a week by that time. The night before his flight, she pulled the plug and made him stay. It took us a little while but we started to see each other. His ex, however, is highly unstable. He is her life-line. He'll often be on call with her while we are in a call. He'd mute himself and talk to her, so I don't know what he says. I tell myself that it's okay, she needs him. But he's done so on occasions where I need him. We have had to keep our relationship secret as so many people would commit suicide. I don't know what to do. I can't talk to him without getting annoyed or upset. And... My stress is triggering my anxiety which trigger my depression because on top of that problem is the fact that my living situation is shit. I just want an easy out. And I don't know what to do.

2 Name: SagePhantomhive : 2018-07-17 02:20 ID:Zm2Ie+xc [Del]

In a good relationship, you are supposed to be number one. If they aren't putting you first, maybe they aren't the one for you. He seems like he has too much baggage and you shouldn't have to deal with that.

3 Name: R.G : 2018-07-17 16:01 ID:vaLhAIw4 [Del]

If he’s there for his ex than you it’s not meant to be. If you give out more than you get back in return eventually there ain’t going to be anything left. Your better off with out him. You should look for someone who is there for you. No, relationship that you’re in should ever make you depressed. There are plenty of fish in the sea, you’ll find someone who is correct for you.

4 Name: Tenshi : 2018-07-20 11:59 ID:y0osVcoT [Del]

It sounds like you're worried because you believe that you truly, genuinely love him. So talk to him and see if those are your real feelings. Not meaning to be harsh, but perhaps you are blinded by your sense of loyalty and generosity. I mean, who is so kind and giving as to sacrifice their own scarce happiness for some other chick that they barely know? I commend you for that, and I think that you are a very admirable and kind person, but sometimes you have to draw the line, stop giving all you have, and start taking what you deserve. In this case, it's love and devotion. I, to a certain degree, understand your pain of loving someone that does not give you their full attention in return, but still feeling so hopeless because of the situations that bind you. However, I was able to sort out my feelings and quit chasing after that significant other. I asked myself, is it really worth it? He may have been my first love, and I may have loved him and chased after him for 2 years, but he has always treated me like his side girl—playing around with my feelings, making me think that he was serious but then always going back to flirt with his ex. So, I decided to leave him be, and go my separate way to finding happiness. His repeated behavior, over the course of two years, showed me that he wasn't going to stop being like this anytime soon. I am sure that my situation doesn't even compare to the magnitude of yours, but I hope that you will take my consideration into account, and try to sort out your feelings about your circumstances, and more importantly, about how you feel about him. You know what they say—you can't fix a mess if you are a mess. :) As for me, I still have feelings for him, but they are more resigned now. I know that I won't get with him, and even if he somehow asks me to be with him, I will still refuse. Why? Because there are so many other people out there—good, strong, kind, devoted people, people that will be with you from the very beginning, people who will stick with you until the very end. So don't be in such pain, love. There are always answers inside you. Keep being strong, and I wish you the best of luck.