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How does school work? (7)

1 Name: Nevil : 2018-07-12 20:52 ID:uQ+gfLXD [Del]

So I'm going to highschool and I heard that you must choose something something to the school. It decides what I want to do with my life, or so they say. I can't get motivated with anything, the most I could do is to realize that everyone chasing their destination with their ambition while me being the only one staying in one place. Help! At least, give me some advice pls.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-12 23:43 ID:W7cyxry/ [Del]

If you can't get motivated because nothing interests you, then you'll have to find something that does interest you. Even hobbies take some effort. Once you're in high school you might have more freedom in choosing what classes you take depending on what country you go to school in. My advice would be not to immediately write something off as boring, give every subject or assignment a shot. You never know what you might be good at, or when something might pop up that you think is cool. I know it's kind of contradictory to say that you need to motivate yourself to find motivation... but like they say– you can't wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.

If you can't find motivation for other reasons– like if you think it's a mental health problem? As in it's really messing with your quality of life, preventing you from functioning like normal. Then I'd recommend talking to someone and getting in touch with people who are qualified to help you with that.

Either way, if you're just entering high school then you still have plenty of time to find a destination. Lots of people even go into college without knowing what they want to do in their lives.

I hope I'm not misinterpreting your situation though, because I'm not really sure what your first two sentences are referring to. If it's some sort of "future goals questionnaire" then I would say to be honest about your situation. There could easily be others feeling the same way. Maybe check to see if there's anyone who could help with career suggestions. Like a guidance counselor, or a teacher you're comfortable talking to, or anyone along those lines.

3 Name: Oz : 2018-07-14 15:32 ID:0ioKVgWU [Del]

Let me share my experience with you. I'm in high school, a senior actually. I've always been a creative and my school doesnt offer any sort of creative lifestyle classes such as art, or theater, or any of that stuff. So, I went out, and started doing photography on my own time. Its been a full year since I started. I bought a camera, a tripod, and started from zero knowledge. It took me 5 minutes to learn where the on switch was... Now, 2 years later, I'm starting to pit my works in galleries around my town. The point is, go out and find what you love. Dont expect it to be served to you by any school, corporation, or anyone in particular.

4 Name: Nevil !!/fN+hj5w : 2018-07-14 19:49 ID:2y+CfW72 [Del]

I'm reading, I'm still learning.

Thank you for these, guys. I'll try something, I'll figure them out. I will surely never forget these and when the time comes, it will be a win-win.

My talk seem weird so I'll stop now lol. If anyone still wanna share, I'm open. I want to learn these, I'll make sure to read them. I'm checking this site daily. And after all, Don't you've seen that trip somewhere.

5 Name: BajaBanjo17 : 2018-07-14 21:38 ID:CA9seWk/ [Del]

I have reason to believe that sometimes the reason that we are de-motivated for school is that there are too many choices and the majority of people who already know what they want to do aren't usually helped properly anyway because we as a society do not really enjoy asking questions because it shows that we are ignorant. The only way to find motivation is to be passionate about anything, and remove the routine in your life for a few days to see what you like outside of ones-self. However, when it comes to finding what classes that you want, that is something that you want to have highly unrealistic goals, that way you are forced to start asking questions to any and everybody, and involve as many people as you can into your dream.

6 Name: Nevil !!/fN+hj5w : 2018-07-15 18:10 ID:so/2eiSt [Del]

>>5 you have a point

7 Name: EpicKeith !wf5JJ352J. : 2018-07-16 05:29 ID:2k53YKZQ [Del]

College student here to say that most highschool students usually DON'T know what they wanna do with their life. Hell, even some college students don't know. I met a guy in my psychology class last semester who hadn't even picked a major yet. I know when I was in highschool, so many people acted like they had their lives together and knew exactly what they wanted to do, but they really didn't. So don't feel like you have to know yet. My sister is a sophomore now and she doesn't know what she wants to do, and I told her to not worry about it so much until she's a senior. Even my sister in 8th grade is questioning that stuff, wow. They're really putting pressure on you guys now, huh.

I was super lucky to find out what I wanted to do during my sophomore year. I decided to take an engineering class because I was vaguely interested in it. And now I'm studying software engineering. There's a possibility that you can get lucky like that too, so if you can, choose some classes that you have even the slightest bit of interest in. Maybe you will find passion in one of those. I also took fashion design, some art classes, and psychology. While none of those made me passionate enough to think of doing one as a career, it was still fun to experiment and try things out. Clubs are also a great way to experience new things. Try to join at least one every year.

And don't be disappointed if you can't find your passion through school. You have the Internet at your disposal. You can learn so much by doing your own research. I used to just look at articles online and if any caught my interest, I'd research the topic further. You can find inspiration from the weirdest places too.

Basically, don't stress about having an ambition to go after just yet. Just try out new things and have fun experiences. I'd wait until you're a senior to start questioning that kind of stuff and seriously considering it. Good luck!