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How do I stop hating myself (8)

1 Name: Random : 2018-06-29 00:27 ID:+6sEbdEy [Del]

For a long time I've found myself unbearable. I just hate myself and the only advice I've ever gotten is to learn to love yourself but it's not that easy and I just need advice on how to love myself

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-06-29 04:05 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

Find something you can take pride in.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2018-06-29 05:42 ID:eIkSL3Sl [Del]

ask whoever you know what might be your best trait and how you can bring more of it and strive to make people smile more in your presence. thaT might make you feel like you're more wanted in this world and you won't feel this way about yourself anymore hopefully

4 Name: Daemon : 2018-07-01 03:07 ID:OvQIpdcg [Del]

The way i see it, you should try figuring out why exactly you hate yourself. Just list the stuff that you find "unbearable" as you put it and then find a way to fix these flaws. If it helps, keep in mind what Aristotle said (it did for me): "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
Hope this helps, and I hope this makes sense to you. ^^'

5 Name: I need someone to talk to : 2018-07-05 21:56 ID:f5DhTN3v [Del]

I'm getting fired on the 16 of this month, because I can't get liscense in time. I failed my state certification exam and I'm scared being out of job, i feel like a failure.....I'm thinking of cutting myself.

6 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-07-06 04:25 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

>>5 You can keep moving forward.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-08 06:22 ID:2eO0nw9v [Del]

Hey Random
I also feel the same way, I just hate myself for no reason.I don't want to but I can't help it.However, I tried following th e method of Hygge(pronounced as hoo-gah).Copy paste the link.
It actually makes me feel better and my well being.I think you need to distract yourself a lot more so that these thoughts won't come into your head.Maybe, go outside more ? try the method of hygge!! I definetly recommend you to do that.Also,write down what makes you feel this way?.Sorry if I couldn't help you much but give the hygge method a shot :).Always here to help

8 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-08 06:31 ID:2eO0nw9v [Del]

Hey I need someone to talk to !!
I feel your pain and the stress.I am going through the same thing right now.NO JOB,horrible grades at uni,giving stress to my parents.But please keep going.YOU KNOW, YOU YOURSELF know that this is just a SMALLLL , TINY section of your life.I had to do a small basic addition for a retail store and guess what I could only do 3 questions out of 5.There goes my job.Literally the most basic maths like 8 + 8 + 16 and I just fcked it up.I am telling you don't feel shit.The very next day I started practicing mental mathematics and it is helping me now.So,PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP.I GUARANTEE YOU THIS IS JUST A SMALL PART OF LIFE AND maybe this is happening to you so that SOMETHING WAY BETTER can occur in life.PLEASE PLEASE don't hurt yourself .Take care of yourself.Can you imagine that you hurt yourself now and maybe later on in life something great and amazing was going to happen?.So,don't give up.Also my advice to take care of your well being, try the hygge method (pronounced as hoo-gah).I often do this to make myself feel better and it actually works.
Here is the link,just copy paste it.

SO love yourself,you are awesome,there is more to life and great things are bound to happen to you and TRY HYGGE!!!!