Dollars BBS | Personal
















Nobody understands (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-27 19:11 ID:3ImNtOd0 [Del]

I’m so lonely... I’m surrounded by friends and family but I just don’t fit in, I put on a mask so I can blend in with everyone. I’m just tired of hiding my true self from everyone...but if I show my true self people will hate me and call me a monster. Dam god is such a cruel bastard but I can’t help but thank him, thank you for taking me away from my home, thank you for taking the one I love away, thank you for putting me on earth with these dumb humans...god thank you for making me suffer, this suffering...maybe I do deserve it for the sins I made but then what? Will I stay miserable forever? I just want to go back home...I just wish someone would understand how lonely I am but none of you could understand what it feels like. What it feels like to see everything taken away from you. All these memories I have, everything I worked so hard’s gone now. I’ve been here for so long...continuing this cycle of saddness. Maybe someday I’ll see my loved ones again...still I have waited for ages for him to find me but nothing yet, maybe he really is dead.

2 Name: Understanding grace : 2018-05-29 06:48 ID:dN3nrLtw [Del]

I know too much how you feel. I was in the same situation, I couldn’t take it after years of pretending. So please listen to what I will say.

I decided to take off my mask and be myself, I lost some friends but kept the true ones. Soon after I had met more people who liked me for who I am. The worsts thing you can do is pretend to be something your not. It hurts to be someone your not.

Please take my advice, be yourself. If your friends don’t like the true you then they are not true friends, you want true friends not fake ones.