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we have already lived! (3)

1 Name: Deja_Vu : 2018-05-14 23:32 ID:SI0yqmwV (Image: 657x360 jpg, 67 kb) [Del]

src/1526358761326.jpg: 657x360, 67 kb
Do you think you've had repetitive moments in your life?

I used to get up and think, again? I remember that I did this, but it is not important at this time.

Now this emotion is strong and there is a constant rhythm in my veins, you hear somewhere what will happen and you are skeptical, do not pay attention.

Continue normally with your day but open the door, walk down the street, say hello to people, if they are normal things, but something says that you already did this.
Talk about this with your friends, but they just laugh and say, "man, you're crazy."

I have lived like this for 18 years knowing small mistakes of what will happen I can not control it I do not always know what can happen, I also see it in my dreams, although when I wake up I do not remember it clearly. It's fun, but sometimes it's annoying that there are days when I sit in a loop and my head hurts too much, maybe this crazy person, but the people we thought crazy many years ago had more reason than a consistent person.

I would like to control it better to remember more of what is going to happen or not to forget it when I wake up.

Do you feel the same?

2 Name: Kelsie : 2018-05-15 00:00 ID:qBRky/CH [Del]

i am just the same as you though more of i only get this when death situation's happen, it's kind of like i'm cheating death, or if someone has died i can see their death experience through their eyes, and also time i death sometimes, for example me and my step grandma went to visit her brother, i don't know how but i knew he was going to die in exactly three days, which did happen, and i count it as my fault i could've saved him some how if i just would have told someone. though i get the feeling if i send this my life is going to be in danger so how bout this i'll send it with a different username, cause in that case my life won't be in danger, though maybe those are just my ambitions, a hint to my actual username i use on this website is that is starts with an "a"

3 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2018-05-15 00:58 ID:jjH4CQI3 [Del]

This happens to me all the time I was actually thinking this today but this post isn't random it's like a loop or a time that repeats itself like a break in space time I think Trump will start a nuclear war and it's coming what else could break things so much as our own doom on a grand scale