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Am I normal? (10)

1 Name: Anonymous R : 2018-05-14 05:28 ID:V7mcr9Se [Del]

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning Sociopath"
psychopath/sociopath ... which one am I?

Hi I'm ____
I live a ordinarily normal & plain boring life.
or so i'd like to think...
I self-diagnosed myself as 'different' when I was about 5.
I was in elementary, when a older boy (maybe 3-4) years older pushed me off the swing, and jumped on and continued swinging unfazed. Instead of crying or questioning the boy's actions, I immediately held the boys fist and sank my teeth into him. The aftermath left everyone in shock, teachers, parents and other children... How could I? single handedly at 5, cause a much older and larger boy to wet his pants, cry until his eyes were blood shot, and most importantly leave him with a bloody, gaping wound that covered the entirety of his fist that needed the immediate attention of a surgeon in the emergency ward. long story short, I never saw that boy or his family again, but i also had to move schools due to all my year now scared of me... calling me "monster" monster. Back then I never did understand their words, nor would anyone explain it to me. My parents never once brought light to that subject, and even when I was old enough to ask. "Am I different" or "Did I do something wrong" they would simply neglect to answer my question and instead ask another question in response "aren't we all" ... (Another Factor: I never did get in trouble for injuring that boy... the boys parents were too embarrassed that he had chosen to pick fights with a 5 year old and lost.)

I think that experience most likely shaped the majority of "who I am' today...
Such instances like those on young minds (I personally believe) may/probably are responsible... and reciprocate what in turn becomes our future self. (Anyways of track)

Ofc an instance like that, I know most people would immediately respond that I have 'traits of a psychopath'. maybe? but after witnessing those children scared-I had a realisation that to survive this world i must 'fit' in and follow the social constructive rules that make society work and have order. I never acted like that again. (In public)

But throughout life, and growing up. My thought process of how I believed things should work, and my own sort of 'social order & justice' never changed. I saw fault in the government that made those 'rules' and still to this day... have a ever growing desire to change them 'improve' them.
Follow the rules.
And if you don't.
You will be (punished).
Equal to that of your crime.

Here is the thing, isn't that normal?
A murderers life should be taken
A rapist life should be raped
If you steal something that has value to someone,
shouldn't they be allowed to do the same.
You have someone in slaved,
shouldn't you experience the same.
A eye for a eye, a tooth for a tooth.
You stab me, I stab you.
but in the same way.
If you have done nothing wrong,
shouldn't you be safe from harm.
I thought this way of thinking was simple.
but apparently it's not.
Because when I expressed my thought and emotions...
I am always called the 'unusual'
Its all the same.

So am I a psychopath/sociopath or just normal?
And even if I'm not normal~ That's fine
Does anyone else feel this way inside.
Enraged by those who are dishonest
and never punished?
If so lets be friends~

(Also Bonus Info: I always did get in trouble by my parents for my lack of self expression, I don't experience things the way most do either. I never cry at the death of someone I know or when they're in pain. I only ever happen to cry for strangers, always ((especially in movies/strangely enough)) . My family thinks Im heartless and emotionless. But that's not entirely true, I have a huge self hatred and besides crying in movies the only other time i display emotion is when I'm angry at myself. So painfully angry, that I think of ways to die more than I can count.) -1 point

(Extra Bonus: However I am protective of my family & close friends, but the so called caring ends there.) 1+ point

2 Name: Homofem : 2018-05-14 11:26 ID:lDDX1AQ/ [Del]

Are you ok?

3 Name: Sofa : 2018-05-14 16:06 ID:jqAObE/e [Del]

Biting a kids hand at 5 doesn't really determine smthn like that. I stabbed my best friend in the hand with a pencil at 6 because she used my eraser.

4 Name: Artison : 2018-05-14 17:58 ID:O/e8RZvW [Del]

Dude to be honest we were once young. We do stupid stuff at times. If you change now, then the pass does not matter. Like hell we are all different. There is no normal human out there. Normal is just an opinion that we made up in our heads. So don't get worked up about it fam.

5 Name: Wander : 2018-05-15 06:32 ID:JIB+9GjN [Del]

i remember my 3 year old cousin who slashed my left arm with scissors. it's because i was teasing him, and he got really mad. my arm was fine now, it has been stitched, and that incident was a long time ago. now, i think kids those ages do have a really bad temper and they get mad easily because they're still ignorant to these kind of things. and i also think that what you did back then was perfectly normal (or not, idk). i, myself, also did things like that, and i thought that it wasn't normal. but yeah, people do things like that. i guess we're just part of those people who has anger-management issues.

6 Name: Alimo !hOamRH5nxI : 2018-05-16 07:12 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

ah well my opinion is you should listen to your parents we are all different and all do bad things sometimes

7 Name: someone : 2018-05-20 17:14 ID:3OnyZWiZ [Del]

i don’t know, it’s either possible that you suffer from a mental disease or it can be explained by psychology. When we are young (literally, like you said, 3-8 years old) we don’t know exactly how world is ruled, im talking like morally, law, and that shit. I mean we don’t “care” because we don’t have that “moral right thing to do” in our heads. I recommend you to read about it, Freud wrote it. It’s called “perverse polymorphous“ and we all went through it.
That,s why sometimes we think childs can be really malicious, but they don’t know because social structures haven’t reach his psyche yet.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2018-05-25 10:30 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

You are overthinking it. That is totally normal for a kid to do, you are just more aggressive. Back in the day people would fight left and right if there was a problem, mainly boys. That was the norm, now if there's was ever a fight in high school both people got arrested, even though they both wanted to fight.

Society is a bit wierd, they push sex but condone any type of violence

I would be considered more of borderline. Back in high school I had no regard for human life and just saw the evil in the world too. I looked down on everyone and the human race.

I value life more today, but I still view death as a part of life.

10 Name: Pancake : 2018-05-27 19:20 ID:3ImNtOd0 [Del]

I mean I still bite people today, plus I love destroying stuff (including people’s emotions) so maybe we are both soulless but who cares about that...bite people all you want, unless they taste bad ...