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Anonymous (5)

1 Name: Is it normal to take a rest : 2018-05-10 06:32 ID:kbRlYP9P [Del]

I have to go to work tomorrow, but with a piling up stress and depression that i got this couple of week, i don't feel want to go work, i was thinking to take a skip tomorrow so is it normal if lie if i were sick to just take 1 or 2 days to rest myself? i do feel a bit sick, i don't think that my body in bad shape but for some reason i just feel so weak all day long.

A bit notice, that people in my place 4like to underestimate and judge depression as something that unexist. So if you told people that you got a depression, they will just mock you more.

2 Name: Homofem : 2018-05-10 09:30 ID:lDDX1AQ/ [Del]

I think it's okay to do so once in a while.

But don't overdo it, it might make you feel worse to stay home all the time.

3 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-10 13:52 ID:zEeWwDxd [Del]

it's normal to take a rest lol all of us need it sometimes, depression, well? hmm isn't everyone depressed this days?!
also i wouldn't listen to Homo you wouldn't feel worse but just way more relaxed, though i will say if you stay home all the time you will get fire so better watch out for that! :)

4 Name: Kasagara !d87q5FRUyE : 2018-05-10 17:06 ID:Q096CJTo [Del]

On the contrary, I wouldn't listen to Alimo. You can and will feel guilty if you call in sick too often (and you'll need that time if you are sick) When you get home from work, take some time to just chill. Set aside half an hour to read or watch Netflix. You'll feel better if you have some time to yourself.

5 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-10 21:47 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

shush Kasagara honestly nope i'd say doing something with less mind set would help, also kasagara i'd say your advice was good until you said not to listen to me :) though i will say this be the benefit of the doubt of you saying that and imagine in your mind you saying (alimo can't even do anything about it if i say something back) or maybe something else but that was one of the millions of reactions you could have taken, the was one of millions of my best guess you would have taken, and then you would have said something smart alic back, but what i can do, eh there will just be war between us won't there?! well war the thing that is a form of hatred, a thing that humans choose to carry, and this is just one example of it, your only hurting other humans with your selfishness kasagara, so please stop, i really do pity you, and last thing... kasagara please don't be mad about my words but thing of taking them in, but you probably won't cause your as stubborn as a mule, or maybe after saying what i just say, maybe you will because you may want to prove me wrong by doing the exact opposite of what i'd expect you to do.