Dollars BBS | Personal
















Idk what to do anymore (7)

1 Name: Kida : 2018-05-08 13:46 ID:pw1Eoljw [Del]

So basically I’m in a bad state of depression and anxiety....I end up cutting...and I don’t know what to do anymore....
My dad traumatised me when I was 7by making me think he was dead by leaving me for 2days
,aswell he sometimes hurts me both ways..
My mum abuses me mentally without even knowing it
Also when I was seven I had a crush on a boy...but my so called friend got three other people to gang up on me and throw stones at me...I nearly got PTSD
...then every other friend I’ve ever thought would stay has left...everyone I thought I could trust has left me or broken my trust...I don’t feel like I can trust anyone....I just feel like I’m constantly drowning when everyone else is swimming....
I don’t even know how to explain most of what I feel....
I’m sorry for everyone reading this...I’m probably being a pain and a waste of space like I always have mum and dad would probably of been happier without me being born...I’m the only reason my parents aren’t divorced,my dad used to hurt my mum physically and mentally aswell...he’s left the house ...I’m actually at his flat now ...but I’m scared if he gets angry....
I always get headaches...and I never sleep well like 11:00pm-4:00am to no sleep....
I just don’t know what to do....

2 Name: Homofem : 2018-05-08 17:55 ID:lDDX1AQ/ [Del]


3 Name: VFD : 2018-05-08 18:18 ID:3r+/hKf4 [Del]

"Also when I was seven I had a crush on a boy...but my so called friend got three other people to gang up on me and throw stones at me...I nearly got PTSD"

Are you real?

4 Name: Hibiki Satou !UE1asvZWmM : 2018-05-08 21:22 ID:yC1qMNjJ [Del]

Kida, you are not a waste of space. I believe you can make it through this. The people who have left you don't realize they are making a huge mistake and you are better off without them if they are going to do that to you. Is there other ways you cope that don't hurt you? If there is, try coping that way. I also recommend not having the knife out in the open or easily accessible. It makes it less of a temptation to resort to it. Though I am new, I'll try to be there for you.

5 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-09 14:27 ID:oDDmsY8B [Del]

your no waste of space lol, no one is I'm in a sorta problems your in but worse in every way, though i will say you need to call the cops right now don't tell your dad or anyone you doing so, or tell the office at your school they are legally authorized to call the cops when this happens and you will be safe

6 Name: Soda : 2018-05-10 11:22 ID:XOkcG3r5 [Del]

A lot of "..." in that.

7 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2018-05-11 03:26 ID:1S9meQBV [Del]

>>6 could you not? people are seeking for life advice and here I am laughing at them. Don't point that out please