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Imaginative Masturbation (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-07 07:40 ID:BsD780gq [Del]

I'm a guy and I use my imagination(mostly) when I masturbate. Most people would use porn, right?


2 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-07 07:46 ID:zgbACpzp [Del]

you do you 0.0 X>X idk why people do this stuff it is disgusting to me but that is my opinion.

3 Name: : 2018-05-08 02:43 ID:dDV8vyjF [Del]

literally nothing wrong with that as long as you're able to tell fantasy apart from real life 👌

4 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-08 10:03 ID:1QUpswiJ [Del]

true that don't turn into a sex offender.

5 Name: Naga Sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2018-05-09 08:00 ID:qOGvZN+W [Del]

>>4 Are you the type of idiot that thinks anyone enjoying sexuality, our literal reason for existing, is a bad person?

6 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-09 08:18 ID:1QUpswiJ [Del]

Naga Sake please don't jump into conclusions, it annoys me. I'm going of of what happens when people find that their only reason for living, is it bad that i have lived through everything bad that could possibly happen in a life time and I'm only 13 i find it in my best interest to protect others and my advice always helps, there has not been one person i have failed... but my best friend she is suicidal and I'm never able to protect her and I'm a piece of trash for that. though i may not be able to save her i find it that to repay for my sin of messing everything up and not being able to do anything i could help others and no im actually a no sided person so i don't think anything is good or bad. everyone acts on there own interests and I'm just not wanting someone to spend time in jail, or hurt anyone else.

7 Name: Kasagara !d87q5FRUyE : 2018-05-09 10:37 ID:P73Z3LZ8 [Del]

>>6 If you're 13, you're way under the age of consent. What would you know about sexuality? And do you really need to tell us your life story?

8 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-09 12:53 ID:zgbACpzp [Del]

that's not a life story :T and thank you for what you've said you've proved my point though that's only the tiniest thing and i also dislike people like you. to me age is nothing some people who are young far surpass an older persons mind set, and your mindset.. well its a bit childish.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: : 2018-05-09 13:38 ID:dDV8vyjF [Del]

can we not have a fight on a vent post pls

11 Name: Ario : 2018-05-09 13:54 ID:HvMYoXQU [Del]

>>1 its perfectly fine and normal

12 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-09 14:23 ID:oDDmsY8B [Del]

opinions ya? :T