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Just a thought... (26)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-06 21:07 ID:v5e0W2n5 [Del]

I have liked this guy for a while and its been on and off between us (our friendship let's say), and recently, he told me that he liked me back but right after he just stopped talking to me. So for 4 weeks straight we just had an awkward vibe between us and the other night my friend said I should talk to him and see what is happening between us, whether we are friends or not. I did do that on the next night and what I didn't get was, he knew that he liked me but he didn't feel the same way... This got me confused but by the time i spoke to him I have started to lose feelings for him because, he wasn't going to make an effort to get you know me, you know? So now, we are friends but he doesn't talk to me? I don't know if he's thick in the head or he's very unsure of his feelings...

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-06 23:01 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

Don't get yourself too mixed up over it. When it comes to dealing with other people in many ways, be it relationships, group projects, or just a cooperative discussion. You have to be able to decide what it's worth to you. If you think waiting for a direct answer is worth the investment, go for it. Otherwise, it's best to not waste your time and effort.

3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-06 23:02 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

TLDR Don't trip, he's a fuckboi.

4 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-07 07:49 ID:zgbACpzp [Del]

cause he feels weird about it and probably nervous to talk to you..... AND SHUT THE FUCK UP FIND MUCK NON OF YOUR ADVICE IS EVEN HELPFUL YOUR WAYS JUST CREATE MORE HAVOC YOU IDIOT

5 Name: Kasagara !d87q5FRUyE : 2018-05-07 10:32 ID:Q096CJTo [Del]

>>4 I don't really have any advice to offer, but -
Jeez, Alimo. Do you really need to just insult people?
I've been in a similar situation to this, and the advice FindMuck gave would've been great. Maybe try to, yknow, be less of a raging 12 year old?

6 Name: Riyugasaki : 2018-05-07 22:03 ID:iBwhYKOe [Del]

maybe he's flexing on how great it was for him to get liked by someone

7 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-09 21:38 ID:qBRky/CH [Del]

>>5 the way he/she wants to fix it is by hating one another, and that is how hate comes into this world so that is why i hat findmuck so much all that person does is throw out problems with hate instead of trying to solve them, always jumping to conclusions, and then comes depression, so know that is why i rage t words findmuck, and also... >>6 NO YOUR SO STUPID THAT IS OBVIOUSLY NOT EVEN IT YOUR JUST AS ANNOYING AS FINDMUCK ERGG DON'T EVEN BOTHER GIVING ADVICE IF IT'S JUST GOING TO BE AWFUL

8 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-09 23:15 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

>>7 Take a long look at everything you said about me, and tell me that's not what YOU are doing here.

Assuming the part about "he knew that he liked me but he didn't feel the same way" wasn't a typo, I stand by everything I said. He's dicking around with someone's feeling and could care less. Textbook fuckboi.

9 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-09 23:21 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

And really. I'm a skeptic at worst. Don't get your diaper in a twist. Probably one of the most open to discussion here. If you don't like my responses, and come up with a better argument than "I HATE THAT GUY BECAUSE REASONS" please feel free chime in.

Otherwise, don't fucking attack me like I ever gave you a hard time.

10 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-13 23:14 ID:qBRky/CH [Del]

i have no diaper, and whoever said that was my argument, as i can see you are quite mad here, i have no intentions of making anyone mad, and i wasn't attacking you though your one of those stereotypes, as shown through your own words, your a sided person, of which i can not look upon as anyone who should, be giving advice to people, which of that annoys me, that's the hard time your gave me. and as i said before i don't try to give humans any harm or hurt though your opinion sums up everything your sorta just like everyone, so sided. eh never mind but point is.. your jump to conclusions like any sided person, ever read the story again, and then look at the comment you posted and see how it has nothing to do with the situation Find Muck, all your doing is going off her conclusions, which are very self absorbed, she hasn't even began to think of how something may be wrong with him like there is a problem maybe a family matter, maybe he is shy, maybe he feels weird now, maybe his friends might pick on him, or maybe someone will be mad at him, or maybe his parents don't let him date people, or he's keeping something from her so she doesn't get hurt. it could be any of those possibilities, but just by reading the story it's obvious to tell which one it is. though this you obviously have no abilities to do. so please Find Muck move on and stop being so stuck up, and selfish, this im saying to help you as a human, i know your a stubborn person, so you probably won't but as i think i said before if i ended that with i know your gonna say im not stubborn and then from that do exactly as i said and try to prove your not stubborn or by me saying this your just going to be more stubborn and not do it.

11 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-13 23:29 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

>>10 You accuse me of jumping to conclusions, but go on to say how clear it is to you was is happening "just by reading the story".

Saying I'm just "one of those stereotypes"

You're so blind to your own phallacies.

If being "sided" means having experiences and opinions of my own then sure, but you're equally as guilty in every aspect.

I don't even see how you're projecting me as such a two dimensional person. You're literally making shit up at this point.

12 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-13 23:34 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

ah well let's start of with this ever think of being not you and reading the story, , yes your are very much one putting people into groups not all people that are in that situation are like that, and blind? i am very much not and that proves my point as of saying your a sided person, projecting huh? two dimensional? actually it may seem that way but i'm sorry if i confuse you in any sort of way, and making stuff up, actually no i wish i could, but i'm not, i cannot lie to a human, unless it is to protect them. i told you you jump to conclusions, just as you did to me

13 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-13 23:40 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

>>12 I'm done with you. Go ahead call it a win. I'm not going to waste my time arguing to child whose head is up their ass.

14 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-13 23:45 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

your very good with your words, it reminds me of every other person who speaks or talks it's all just a bunch of waste just spewing out there mouth. as i said before your a sided and stereotypical person and by sided you will never understand so please stop trying. you say i'm a child but iv'e been through more that what any other person could have been through in a life time though i will say please carry on, your a very interesting human with your sided remarked comments

15 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-13 23:48 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

also as i said before i do not live to hurt humans so please, know i'm only doing this to defend myself from anyone who may think different :) also from what your saying it seems like you've been going through some problems of your own,... may i know them? if not i see that you may not be very fond of me from my other reply's t word you, but i am only speaking my mind out to you as you are to me.

16 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-13 23:54 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

nah fam

17 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-14 00:01 ID:qBRky/CH [Del]

ok then! as as said please don't call me fam either that is to much as a normal word everyone uses because it's suppose to be cool which is sorta stereotypical thing of me to say but sometimes it's true ya know!

18 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-14 00:05 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

I was being facetious.

19 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-14 00:11 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

lol i may be smart in some areas but not really with words, i ave a hard time with vocabulary and also will you please look at the main thread SOMEONE IF FRACKING POSING AS ME that's called cyber bullying im tired of all these fake people in the world hbu? and also i meant to ask this earlier before i started rambling on but what does facetious mean lol?! im sorry i'm not really good with words nor vocabulary, and i'm bad out pronouncing things D:

20 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-14 00:15 ID:CXiZkz1i (Image: 624x201 png, 28 kb) [Del]

src/1526274954555.png: 624x201, 28 kb
>>19 Get a tripcode to avoid impersonation.

And you can report malicious threads to the email linked on the right-hand side bar.

21 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-14 00:27 ID:qBRky/CH [Del]

ozaz lol and thank you

22 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-14 00:33 ID:qBRky/CH [Del]

for the trip code can you give me an example like.. what do you type in the title bar, what you type in the name bar, and what do you type in the chat box, the instructions are confusing and does the password have to be an all caps and does it have to have a certain amount of characters?

23 Name: Alimo !hOamRH5nxI : 2018-05-14 00:42 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

ok got a trip code!

24 Name: Alimo !hOamRH5nxI : 2018-05-14 00:43 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

question why does my ID change after ive got a trip code on this thread and also does an ID ever stay the same?

25 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-14 01:08 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

>>24 IDs are based on your IP, they change from board to board, except the personal board which changes thread to thread.

26 Name: Alimo !hOamRH5nxI : 2018-05-14 02:24 ID:WcKDoSQf [Del]

ah oki! tysm, your actually a really nice person lol!