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Advice Thread (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-03 00:10 ID:tVVmDSpb [Del]

I'm sure that many of you sometimes have nobody to talk to and end up advicing your own selves. Why not drop those self-advices for the rest to see? Who knows if they can help others?

2 Name: Sofa : 2018-05-03 07:28 ID:XOkcG3r5 [Del]

If you're feeling sad or depressed, imagine your thoughts as an emo 13-year-old and tell them to be edgy elsewhere.

3 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-03 08:14 ID:oDDmsY8B [Del]

sofa that does not help at all. please don't quit your job to be a therapist D: jkjk but seriously it takes way more than that like a lot a lot being depressed is like when you were a child and you got a toy but now that toy is just boring and you have to keep on playing with it. thats what life is a broken toy but thats what it used to be for me thats why i find it in my best interest to help people so please dont give people un helpfull advice it's like calling them stupid ok and it's rude. ever take it that these people are actually hurting inside and this childish comment doesn't help at all,

4 Name: EpicKeith !wf5JJ352J. : 2018-05-04 21:22 ID:2PDcBrUB [Del]

That works more for intrusive thoughts. It won't help much with depression (although for some people, it can help put them in the right direction that negative thoughts shouldn't be listened to). I know it has helped with my intrusive thoughts. It's a good thing to at least try out.
This is supposed to be self-advice (advice that worked for you, so you are sharing with others) so for Sofa, it did indeed help. What works for some people won't work for others. Sometimes things that seem childish will be very helpful to some.

Anyways, my advice? Breathing exercises work wonders. I always thought they were bullshit, but I started using them and wow, they helped with anxiety a bunch.
One method that works well for me is to count down from 10 while taking deep breathes. Once you reach 0,just do the thing you're anxious about doing, don't think about it. I've been able to talk to professors by doing that.