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I need help to increase views on my "gigs" on fiverr to make it to the front page (5)

1 Name: Fuyuki : 2018-05-02 23:15 ID:pGkVciU/ (Image: 600x400 jpg, 197 kb) [Del]

src/1525320940253.jpg: 600x400, 197 kb
Guys, to be honest i really need your help to increase my views on fiverr gigs, i really need it to make into the front page. I'm short on money so literally my life is kind of depending on it, but if you guys has work for me, feel free to hire me.

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-03 00:10 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

You don't tell people how they can help, or what you even do...

3 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-03 08:09 ID:oDDmsY8B [Del]

you know that's rude of you to say muck this person is in need of help and also this is a personal thread so actually fuyki can say anything she wants thats personal he/she is needing help so findmuck stop being so selfish and rude, i dont mean to be mean findmuck but your being immature and childish

4 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-14 05:06 ID:9w37tDy3 [Del]

>>3 the only one being rude here is you.
Don't insult people, they have a very valid point.
This person doesn't say what we can do to help and didn't even provide a link to their own page.
How are we supposed to help if they literally prevent it?
You're a piece of trash human being, you know that?
Your comment is the hugest example of "pot calling the kettle black" that there ever was.
I don't know if you're blind to your own idiocy or if you truly think what you say, but either way, get a fucking hold of yourself.

5 Name: Boric : 2018-05-14 18:01 ID:Jmw7Twx8 [Del]

>>3 I find nothing rude about FindMuck's post, Alimo. They never said that no one should help, or the post doesn't belong here, only stating that the post is very unclear of how we can help, leaving it open ended for the OP to return and add the needed information that would allow us to help further.

>>4 You need to chill and be more civil. Don't allow Alimo's toxicity breed more toxicity.