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Help me please! (3)

1 Name: Nanami. : 2018-04-25 10:50 ID:B9zgPi70 [Del]

So, this is actually for my friend. She doesn't know where to get help and I thought I could share it on here she doesn't know though. Anyways, Let's call my friend B. B likes 3 guys, 2 I have seen and 1 I haven't seen. She always is flirting with them and is hanging out with them. I don't really think the boys notice due to the fact most of the time they don't say anything. She also said she might like the teacher! I keep telling her to only go for one or things might not turn out the way you want it to. She doesn't listen and rants about how gorgeous they are an how they don't know it. I have talked to one of the guys before and he said he is getting creeped out and heard a giggle when he was asleep in his house. ALso, one of the guys texted me and said he felt someone following him and would see B staring at him from time to time. I need good advice for her and me to tell her that what she is doing is wrong. I need something that won't end our friendship which I doubt would ever happen but if any of you have good advice, please help! Thanks!!

2 Name: Artison : 2018-04-25 17:49 ID:O/e8RZvW [Del]

This can only go two ways. You have to tell her to stop this or else these boys won't like you back. Number two is that just let this be. Do nothing to help or if you take action maybe you'll make the situation worse. Nobody can predict the future.

3 Name: unknown : 2018-04-27 09:19 ID:0RJa+qJv [Del]

death to the dollars