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advice welcome (4)

1 Name: Jellyfish : 2018-04-13 08:44 ID:Ie6DGl1S [Del]

I want to act in films but I'm scared to go out and try... Im so afraid of being bad at it and therefore I cant bring myself to do anything about it. Ive thought about acting lessons as a way to build up my confidence and learn about the industry but i just don't have the money as someone who makes barely above the minimum wage... I don't want to put my dream no hold for any longer but I don't know what to do; maybe I'm procrastinating or maybe I just don't care enough about myself to work towards anything... I don't even know how to get started. The rest of my life isn't moving forwards either- I'm stuck in one place doing absolutely nothing with myself

2 Name: melephisto : 2018-04-13 11:16 ID:FQPzHmKX [Del]

maybe record them yourself , maybe with friends . youtube could be a good platform where you could showcase your talent , get advice and critcism and maybe build up a little bit of confidence . im not recommending this as a way to make money but to atleast not have your talent die out .

3 Name: melephisto : 2018-04-13 11:23 ID:FQPzHmKX [Del]

i remember back in my year 11 , me and a group of my friends hosted these drama shows in our neighbourhood . it was hard to invite people but its always fun with a group of people you know . we messed up a lot but it gave us great stage practice i guess , its a good way to earn a tad bit too .

4 Name: melephisto : 2018-04-13 11:25 ID:FQPzHmKX [Del]

for now i think find a group maybe . a group of people who want to do the same thing as you . maybe online .