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Losing a pet (5)

1 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2018-04-05 23:04 ID:NeAp2ow/ [Del]

Has anyone experienced losing a pet that they had for many years? I recently lost a pet to a cancerous tumor, I had her for eleven years so its hard to move on from that. any advice would be appreciated

2 Name: K's ghost : 2018-04-06 03:30 ID:eDtqrlQ7 [Del]

im sorry for your lost. i lost my dog before too and it was hard.

in time, you'll learn to accept it and be happy that your dog is ok now. Im pretty sure that you little baby will be happy for you too.

3 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2018-04-06 13:26 ID:NeAp2ow/ [Del]

Thanks K's ghost that was really thoughtful I appreciate it

4 Name: EpicKeith !wf5JJ352J. : 2018-04-07 23:39 ID:ynr7lC6a [Del]

I understand the feeling. Last month, I lost a cat (15 years old) and a dog (10 years old), both due to kidney failure. I'm currently living on a university campus, so I wasn't even home to see them one last time. It was absolutely heartbreaking to me.
Pets are family, and it sucks to lose them. And regardless of if you are religious or not, that pet is now in a better place. In your case, your pet was suffering and hurting from the tumor. Now they no longer in pain.
As for trying to move on, allow yourself to mourn. I took a day off from classes to react and cry as I needed. It might also help to do something in honor of your pet. I love Pokemon, so I caught Pokemon that reminded me of my pets and named them after them. For me, it's a way to always have them with me. Maybe do something similar to that. And you might need to take time to rest and do nothing, but try not to allow yourself to fall into a depression. Do stuff you enjoy. Get outside. Spend time with loved ones. It will help, trust me. Take care of yourself. It's what your pet would want.

5 Name: ChinaTakesAll : 2018-04-10 11:10 ID:3QP+A1YH [Del]

Hey there,

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Years ago I had the same, our dog of eleven years old also had a cancerous, painful tumor so we had to put her down. I was actually there when the vet injected her.
Everybody deals with grief in their own way, sometimes I still have dreams of my dog running up to me. It's okay to be sad about losing a loved one. Maybe talking to someone who knew your pet as well will help? So long as you don't bottle i up, time will heal.