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Insecurities and fears (7)

1 Name: noname23 : 2018-03-28 01:11 ID:WOTZtCIo [Del]

What are you insecure about?
What do you fear most?

Here is mine:
I am insecure about my body
I am insecure about my face
I am insecure about my personality
I am insecure about my smile
I am insecure about the scar and stretch marks on my back.
I am insecure about being a nuisance
I am insecure about my arm hair
I am insecure about my bushy eyebrows
I am insecure about how big my thighs are
I fear being alone
I fear being disliked
I fear being unloved
I fear death
I fear love
I fear vulnerability

2 Name: Umbreon : 2018-03-28 19:53 ID:CW0auNWy [Del]

I fear spiders
I fear breaking a bone or watching someone break a bone
I am insecure about my personality
I am insecure about my social awkwardness
I fear I'll never amount up to what I set my goals for

3 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-01 10:33 ID:3ImNtOd0 [Del]

I’m insecure about how people see me as the bully
I fear that all my friends hate me
I fear they are only freind a with me because I’m a “bully”
I fear that if I don’t hurt people I will get hurt
And I fear that I might hurt someone to the point they kill themselfs

4 Name: Mowerblade!BsXraypWpE : 2018-04-02 00:37 ID:vnOdxPZ+ [Del]

I’m tired of being put into no-win situations at my job and having to constantly choose who to piss off. My boss, my coworkers, or the customer. And if i piss one off usually it brings another with it, for instance an unhappy grest is also gonna piss of my boss.

I’m tired of being the adult in my family.
My mother has two fucking jobs but won’t take enough shifts to actually provide the fucking money for my brothers and I. It’s fallen to me.

I’m tired of not being able to stop worrying about shit like the aforementioned no win situations i’m Always stuck in.
I’ve grown to be such an Anxious person that i’ve Developed a stutter.
A fucking stutter. I used to be top of my public speaking/debate class, doing impromptu comedy routines in front of everybody.
Now I can’t even tell someone the soup of the day without telling them “Smoky-ch-chicken pobl-poblano”.

And it hasn’t helped because I blush at the drop of a fuucking hat now too. Don’t know why. I talked to chicks absolutely fine until one day a friend asked me “why do you always turn bright red whenever girls talk to or about you?” And it’s strange because after that I went from only blushing about chicks to literally everything.
I’ve been doing everything I can and it’s just getting more and more awkward, ‘cause shit just keeps getting fucked up and then I have to ask people for help and everything just feeds into eachother. The stuttering and the anxiety and the blushing and it all just goes in a nasty downward spiral.

And i’ve Finally found friends again.
But I don’t want to ask for any help or anything as i’m So ridiculously afraid of kissing them off because it’s taken me almost four years to find any friends again after I got left behind by the last group.

I have next to no cash saved, the stove’s dead, I killed the cheap piece of shit that my mother decided was an absolute steal at $100 but some fucktard screwed up the adapter piece so I couldn’t change it to install it, I haven’t had a day off in about twelve days and they want me to work tomorrow as well.

And to top all this shit off, the one outlet I truly have in this world aside from occasional posts here (and as much as I don’t dislike you guy’s, I don’t really consider this place my internet family) has decided that for some reason it doesn’t like me posting there and has a connection error every time I try to post.

I assume it’ll be resolved soon enough but it feels like having all correspondence with you and your family cut off

5 Name: HelpMeOutBro : 2018-04-02 01:13 ID:gZlC6uel [Del]

I am insecure about my smile, voice, and body.

I'm scared of accidentally hurting people when I don't mean to. I'm sad that I can't help everyone in need and I'm afraid that people will misunderstand my intentions as being something bad, when I really wasn't trying to make it bad..

6 Name: HEART !uwi/fWtAsA : 2018-04-02 20:33 ID:Fd2vHY4m [Del]

I'm insecure about my personality, body, and other things. . .

7 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-04-03 17:45 ID:Zwe3w5gn [Del]

I'm not insecure... Atleast not anymore.
I don't like thinking that I'm not good enough. If I'm insecure about anything, it's the fact that I don't feel emotions other than happiness strongly anymore like I did when I was a teen. I think that's a good thing, but at the same time, It makes it harder to have empathy you know? And I don't know if that's a good thing or not, lol.