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Purple Rain (2)

1 Name: Caliente Mascota!SKL/u3BGZo : 2018-03-23 15:52 ID:CaOJFLBX (Image: 259x194 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1521838363154.jpg: 259x194, 10 kb
I just turned 22.
Suoer close with ny family.
Was with my girlfriend for 8 months back in high-school.
Several years pass by and we meet again after breaking up.
Now it's been almost a year an a half.

Her father(step) died shortly after we broke up, few years ago.
Mom is bipolar.
She isn't close to her family at all.
She moved out and I've been helping her afford it.
Her and her friend living together.

I don't pay much, but I like helping her.

She wants to move out of the state.
"It's too expensive in New York"
"you're not wrong"

I spend a lot of time with her and haven't been seeing much of my family or friends.

She doesn't have a family and she doesn't have any friends.
She has a dog named Dalo.

She doesn't understand why I can care so much about my parents or friends because she has never understood what it was like to have either.

She isn't mad, but believes that she is going to have to leave the state to afford life.

I can't do distance.

What can I do. Or should we talk about breaking up?
Im too young and I'll prepared to leave.

She's 23 and was raised much more prepared for a hard life.
My childhood was very sheltered and I'm trying to break free of that by having a car, a well paying job, goals, savings, but I'm not ready to leave my home.

I feel stuck and hit by purple rain.
Ironically her favorite color, and least favorite weather.

2 Name: Hinoga : 2018-03-24 11:30 ID:6qdy8agL [Del]

No one can really tell you what the right or wrong thing to do here is.. unfortunately.

There is a defining moment here where you need to chose what you hold dearest to you; her or your family and friends? If you absolutely cant do distance, the only way to deal with this is in absolutes...

If it were me, I would chose family and friends over a lover. But this all up to you and your choice...

Why not make a list of pro's and con's? It might seem cheesy, but it could help you for sure. Make a little table ( not sure if thats the proper english word) for each situation, and write it's pro's and con's in two separate columns. Whichever seems to have the most pro's, or at least less con's, I'd go with that one. It'll also help you reflect and deeply consider both options!

I hope this helps, even if only a little bit..