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Homework (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-18 06:27 ID:HjXb/s2I [Del]

I have no issues with school in general but damn, why can't I ever finish my homework?

2 Name: Amore!V0gNuFgB06 : 2018-03-18 16:52 ID:hZM318RH [Del]

if you need help, I'm here, we are all here to help you, just be sure that you don't just copy, trytolearn and do your own work as well, okay? ^_^

3 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-19 04:22 ID:RhgzTnpG [Del]

Well thank you. True, I rather not copy because it would be a waste of effort at the end of the day.

Anyways, I'm fine with planning, but I almost never execute any of them. Thus, it's useless. So how do I avoid last minute work? Or worse, no work?

4 Name: Amore!V0gNuFgB06 : 2018-03-19 10:06 ID:hZM318RH [Del]

plans never work. the heart and mood. for instance, I'm back home today and i hate chemistry, but in the end i have to study all my subjects, howver, my mood today is so good to study that subject i deteste so much, so i will. nothing is called "i can't" you don't have to force yourself to do something. if you belive you can, you will. try to improve your way of studying which will help you save much more time. if you could tell me more about your busy day and subjects, i might have aclearer idea of what might a touch of your daily routine would be and give you a more specific reply, you got me? for the most of what i believ for now, you and everybody else is perfect at anything, you are flawless, but you don't kniw how to use that power or you could use it wrongly, or even both. be wise. ^_^

5 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-19 18:10 ID:HdZEb2+3 [Del]

Well, thank you for the lengthy advice. I'll take those words to heart.

6 Name: Amore!V0gNuFgB06 : 2018-03-23 13:46 ID:hZM318RH [Del]

welcome dear!

7 Name: Hinoga : 2018-03-24 11:37 ID:6qdy8agL [Del]

Perhaps the way you're going about doing your homework is whats not working for you?

When I was still in school, I noticed that if I didn't get to doing my homework immediately after getting home, I would never feel productive and I would just procrastinate

so what I did was that I got home, and before anything else, I did at least 1 full hour of work. After that, I'd take a 15-30 minute break to get myself changed, shower, get a snack, do some chores, anything I needed to do that day. And then, I'd take another hour, and after that, if i felt i needed a break I would take another small one, but I normally just continued to work.

The most important thing for you to do is; minimize distractions! I.E; turn off your phone's notifications, dont have Facebook or YouTube open in the background... Don't be in a room with loud noises or a TV..

And another thing; if you find yourself incapable of continuing (like staring at the header of your essay or something....) Don't force it! Do something else; study something, go over your source material, read something.. But don't keep lamenting on it, because it'll never get better. Take a break from that particular work, or work entirely if you need to, and get back to it later with a fresh mind.

Another tip; dont be afraid to ask for help, dont forget to eat and sleep properly, and drink lots of water!

8 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-25 00:37 ID:al4S4sfY [Del]

Thank you so much for the long text of advice. I'll consider it thoroughly and apply myself.