Dollars BBS | Personal
















Silent Expectations (3)

1 Name: Cara : 2018-03-03 02:46 ID:Tv6dtBIK [Del]

Do u guys ever feel that you've failed to deliver up to someone's expectations? It's okay if it's once-in-a while thing...but to be continually giving sub par work (in their opinion) is taking its toll on me... They don't outright tell u that u suck, but that silent judgement is making me feel uncomfortable, to the point where I can hear their voices condemning me in my head.

I try to find reasons for my bad performance but somehow it keeps getting back to me- blaming myself for not trying harder, not taking the initiative, not asking people.

When I compare myself to others the disparity becomes more evident. My work sucks. I thought I have already done everything I could...maybe it wasn't enough?? Life is short, improving takes so fucking long. I'm tired.

I'm tired.

2 Name: STONE : 2018-03-05 21:11 ID:zu4yFbRK [Del]

I think its just you over thinking your actions when you perform in front of others. You'll feel like theyre watching you or feel like your being hurried or some other thoughts/feelings. Its okay. Its just you overreacting. You might be bad at performing actually but that doesnt mean you should beat yourself down. It takes experience to get better.

3 Name: Amore !V0gNuFgB06 : 2018-03-06 11:11 ID:ce1uU7sW [Del]

you are yourself, that's what matters, overestimate yourself and don't care about anyone's critisims of you because you are the only one who has the right to criticize and think about yourself in whatever way you like to. don't let them underestimate you. weare not born as machines, no body is 100 percent perfect, if we were, we would have been gods by now. we all do blunders, nothing s wrong, we all learn and gain wisdom and that's the best. equanimity of yourself is vital. walk your own path. follow the logic of what your mind tells you then correct your brain's answer by checking your heart, don't make your heart and emotons drive you first. you are you. its your life. each human being exists for apurpose since they are all diferent from each other in a multitude of ways, find yours as well and do it your way. don't listen to negativity, create a cool head and get rid of any worries, anxieties, hindrances because its not worth it and theyre not wor th your time. be strong! shalt you be blessed with happiness and prosperity, and if yo u need anything, contact me!