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Boop (4)

1 Name: Very Confused High Schooler : 2018-03-02 01:58 ID:U3waS253 [Del]


Okay so I'm in my junior year of high school and I'm going to be choosing classes for my senior year soon. I kind of think I want to be a CRNA?? And I know I should take classes related to that topic but I can't stop debating between AP Calculus, AP Statistics, and AP English. I know I'm going to take at least two of those classes, if not three, but I'm undecided and I've had this stuck in my head for years. I've always been told to take AP Calculus in high school because you can get more help and it's a better environment than in college etc etc stuff like that and so I've been planning to for a long time - but now that I've been looking up the prerequisites for a nursing program it's recommended to take statistics. On one hand I kind of want to take all three AP classes just because I need statistics I've been looking forward to calculus and I've always liked English. However I am such a lazy person and it's not really something that can be fixed at this point. I know that if I take all three AP's I'll be super overloaded and stressed out and will probably end up nope-ing out of it all. My school doesn't offer a regular calculus class but they do have a regular statistics class so I was thinking of doing that? But then my math teacher came and recommended I take AP Statistics because I'm really fit for it - but then i don't want to be taking AP Calc and AP English with that too?! And on a completely different note I love art I've loved it for as long as I can remember and I'm kind of wanting to take AP Art?? I've been taking art classes for over 10 years now and I've got lots of experience and idk I just think it would be nice to explore that? Even though it has nothing to do with what I want to be in the future??? Honestly I'm just super confused right now and idk what to do and I've asked all my friends and family and the majority are pushing me towards taking as many AP's as possible because they think I'm smart and I'll be able to handle it and (parents especially) they want me to look good and stuff but then there are the few like my brother and some of my friends that are telling me not to take too many AP's (if anything take as few as possible) because they don't think I can handle it?? Which I mean now just kinda annoys me and I sort of want to take a bunch of AP's to prove them wrong. ASDSFGHJNKG I JUST DONT KNOW ANYMORE :(

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2018-03-02 02:37 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

I would suggest taking statistics in college if you want to apply it. I'm in my first stat course and we use calc 3 for multi-variable integration. Without that you are only limited to 1-d. Even 1-d uses integrals. So if you can take it without calc being a pre-req it is a very basic statistics course that might not count towards a degree. In other words the stat class will probably be easy.

My calculus course was way better in college, since my high school teacher believed in teaching straight from the book and by teaching yourself. Your school might be different and it will be easy if you take ab, vs bc.

Ab is calc 1 and bc is calc 1 and 2. Both ab and bc are taught in a year, so bc is like how it would be in college, and ab progresses a lot slower.

University math courses require you to teach yourself, at least the 2 I took there, but community college math courses tend to be better. The people teaching at my university are TA's, so it's a gamble if they are good at teaching.

I'm going for engineering as well, so the math and stat courses I have to take are beyond that for nursing.

English might be harder than in college, since I never had to do as many reports as those in ap English. If you're good at English I'd say go for it though.

4 Name: Very Confused High Schooler : 2018-03-03 20:51 ID:3dtA3+JT [Del]

Oh snap thanks a lot man! (That sounded sarcastic I didn’t mean it to) But seriously thanks! As stupid as it sounds I wasn’t expecting anyone to actually reply let alone give me some legit advice. But for the statistics yep we don’t need to know calculus to do it - my friend who’s in precalc with me is taking it and she says it’s really easy so from what I’ve heard from the both of you now I’m definitely taking it. Ooo yeah yeah we got a lecture on that and I’m definitely planning to go for AB if I’m still up for taking calc. I’m not very good at teaching myself so I might go for trying to take it in high school oops hopefully if it doesn’t work out I can transfer out :,) But damn engineering yeah that’s definitely a lot more higher level math yikes. I’ve heard that ap english here is actually pretty easy and they rarely do essays so bless I’m set on taking that - but anyways thanks a builluon for the help! Best of luck with engineering!!