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High school strugle (7)

1 Name: Jusen : 2018-02-24 17:31 ID:OYy/7Xmw [Del]

So i am going to finish high school in a few years, which means college is coming. I want to study in a contingent(a lot of people want to get in) domain, so I need the necessary grades. Though this doesn’t mean I have bad grades, in fact I have a 90% average for all my classes. Despite this average, I need to get better grades. When I study, I am rather concentrated, but what I am trying to learn takes a lot of time to sink in. This sometimes makes it so that I sleep pretty late.

To let out my stress, excess anger and frustration, I play a bit of video games (fps). This allows me to relax and give me adrenaline to study.

I am pushed by my family to perform better and my parents think that it is because of my games that I can’t achieve this. They think I should instead go for a jog, which I agree that it is good method. But, I feel like it doesn’t have the same benefits as what I am currently doing and my parents don’t understand this.

Therefore, can someone give me advice for studying or just in general for my situation?

2 Name: Jo : 2018-02-25 11:43 ID:rvr1Ol7Y [Del]

Instead of adrenaline, you could try caffeine...

3 Name: A : 2018-02-25 15:53 ID:9tZSJ6vG [Del]

I also play video games to let out stress and my parents don't understand why I play video games either but I got one C and my dumb parents took away everything I find fun so now I'm just failing everything, but your not alone

4 Name: ketone : 2018-02-25 20:20 ID:nBs7qUKZ [Del]

my sibling is in college for engineering, and what he does is split up his time into 30 min blocks and plan for each block. It may feel really shitty, but studying early on will save you a lot of stress later in the long run. I also recommend that you try getting into a study group. They are motivational, free tutoring, and you make friends.

You might as well go for a jog and play video games. Both have their benefits.

5 Name: Jusen : 2018-02-26 08:34 ID:/6EvlanV [Del]

>>2 Sure, I’ll try it.

6 Name: Jusen : 2018-02-28 08:34 ID:/6EvlanV [Del]

>>3 That’s also what my parents tell me if my grades go down... I feel you

7 Name: Jusen : 2018-02-28 08:35 ID:/6EvlanV [Del]

>>3 That’s also what my parents tell me if my grades go down... I feel you