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can someone help (4)

1 Name: sakura : 2018-02-22 23:50 ID:tnJguOyo [Del]

situations in my life recently arent going the way i want them to. i understand that i cannot control everything and this is the way it is supposed to be. but there are a lot of things thatt i can do in this situation and if i work hard i can get everything comfortable again. its just that i m not doing it. im not working on anything at all. im on internet all day and watch days pass by. i dont know whats happening.i want to be hardworking but im just not. i dont have any hobbies, i dont have friends i dont get out of the house. i feel like im going to be alone my entire life.

2 Name: Nanami. : 2018-02-23 16:17 ID:B9zgPi70 [Del]

I have had the exact same thing going on with my life. I am not like that anymore but I want to help you out. What I would do is start small you know. Like, taking walks and just sitting outside and looking at the clouds or sky. See how you go from there and try new things to find at least one hobby. I hope this helped and you get better.

3 Name: Montoya : 2018-02-23 18:58 ID:sEaSgfWM [Del]

I can understand you a bit, but things aren't as bad as they see. Sometimes we feel a little blue because we can´t get out the wall. Be hardworking is not enough for feeling comfortable, in fact, I think it isn't the magic stuff. I think you need to found something that can fill you in a positive way, like a hobby, it doesn´t need to be something "cool" (sometimes I only watch carefully the trees and its birds, others I see people through the window)Don´t think you don´t have any friends, this kind of things come slow, sometimes we must search them, but it will be ALWAYS someone for us, human beings are destined to found: friendship, love and forgiveness.

4 Name: zoja : 2018-02-24 05:31 ID:vxX5fFFI [Del]

Hey sakura, i totally feel you. My biggest dream is to get into vet school, and it's way more complicated than i expected. I'm currently in a preparatory class which is supposed to be extremely hard and i should be studying 24/7, but i'm just not. and i don't even spend that much time on the internet (in school i was probably addicted to the internet, broke out of it tho). i just don't do anything. everyday i wake up and the day goes by, and before i know it it's time to get up for the next day. i don't do shit to achieve my dreams, yet if i don't get in, i don't know what i'll do with my life. i don't know where you are in your life age wise, but be reassured (or not), it's best for this situation to happen as soon as possible, so it doesn't cause too much trouble. as for the friends, when i graduated high school i had one person i could truly call my friend. now i have a bunch of buddies but no one i'd trust with my life. so don't worry about it, thought i'm not the best person to talk about friendship haha i've been through a lot of different shit tho so if you have any question i could try and give you some advice! hope you don't feel to bad! :)