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Time in a relationship (13)

1 Name: Divine Dante : 2018-02-11 22:11 ID:ktJdtDmc [Del]

Guess I'll get right into the problem since I'm terrible at intros.
So I'm really depressed and my relationship is really fueling that. It's not abusive or anything. I'm just really dissatisfied with how much attention I'm actually getting. Yeah I know it'll probably sound like I'm just being clingy but I'll post anyways. So I'm in school and I get to see my girlfriend in 3 classes a day, which sounds great, but she barely talks to me. In 2 classes she hangs out with a group of her friends and in the other we don't talk. So really just seeing her multiple times a day with little to no interaction with her is really just depressing. I keep trying to make plans to hang out with her outside of school but she keeps saying she's busy even though she's either at home or with her other friends. For example, over christmas break she said she had almost everyday free and actually wanted to see me, so we make plans to get together, and when the time comes she has friends coming over for a few days instead. The next week, tried again, she just didn't want to anymore. This really bugs me because I haven't been able to actually hang out with her since november. We broke up but we got back together after a few weeks. Her reason being that I prevented her from being with her friends even though as I just stated, we barely interacted at all. I can't help but feel that I'm just no longer important to her, even though we text and she says she loves me and stuff. She just gives so much time to her friends while barely giving any to me. So my question to you guys is
1.) Am I just being clingy?
2.) How do I get more time from her both in and out of school without seeming clingy and annoying her?

2 Name: EasternOrc !K9eVpCOYLY : 2018-02-12 09:17 ID:7iUpqp52 [Del]

first before i say anything i will just be straight forward and talk from personal experince and say what people told me in the past.

if she doesnt have the time for you, and keep telling you she is busy and stuff. i call that bullshit that you shouldn`t go through , if she makes you feel sad that she doesnt hangout with you , just break up and look for a better person who would makes you more happy and better. my ex was busy that i would be lucky if we talked 3 times a week, and some weeks she wont reply to me. she broke up with me because "she is busy and doesnt feel like herself" so for me, i would say break up and live happy by yourself.

some people here would agree or disagree because they want you to feel happy after you take the long road, take the short road and look for someone else, that is my advice.

if you need more help you can email me at

good luck for you mate

3 Name: Divine Dante : 2018-02-13 18:25 ID:ktJdtDmc [Del]

Fuck me I guess. I tried talking to her about this and she just broke up with me. No reasons given. Just "I'm breaking up with you again. Are you happy now?" I'm super depressed now, more so than before. I just don't understand why she would've asked to get back together and then break up again so soon.

4 Name: EasternOrc !K9eVpCOYLY : 2018-02-13 19:04 ID:7iUpqp52 [Del]

Im really sorry to hear that my friend. But ik what you going through. Send me a mail and we will chat for a little bit, through emails or in discord.

You are not alone my friend.

5 Name: HowDare : 2018-02-14 06:49 ID:HGPLkYea [Del]

The best thing to do is probably end it cleanly and don't look back, it'd probably be better to stop talking to her if you still do.

I know it's pretty rough but the best thing you can do is put this behind you and start looking forward and focus on other things while you get over her.

She wasn't willing to give you any of her time, you weren't being clingy.

6 Name: DustDevil : 2018-02-14 13:47 ID:1M0WT1Ra [Del]

Love is in the air my friend! She may have her friends, but you too have us on here if you need support. And not to mention- ample opportunity to spark something new this coming season.

7 Name: Divine Dante : 2018-02-14 20:38 ID:ktJdtDmc [Del]

Thanks guys for your support. I know I should put this all behind me, but it's difficult. I'm not just losing a girlfriend, she's been one of my best friends for the past three years. But I guess if she's willing to just give up on me so easily, then there's not much I can do about it. I'll just have to look forwards instead of behind I guess. Again, thank you all so much.

8 Name: Macartzattack47 : 2018-02-14 22:51 ID:3ZszSitb [Del]

If you decide to break up with her, then ask if you guys can go back to being just best friends. If you decide not to break up with her, just ask if you two can be a closer couple because you two barely hand out. In the end it's your decision what happens with this. Best of luck to you!

9 Name: CryingMissile : 2018-02-15 13:34 ID:1ZY0U7wU [Del]

Hey there! I got really interested in this because I thought I was somewhat similar in a way to your girlfriend haha. I'll explain: Frankly I'm single and I've never really experienced actual dating or whatever, and even if I did have a boyfriend I'm kind of scared that he wouldn't be able to understand me or get what I'm blabbering on about for most of the time. That's why I'd rather spend time with my friend. So what I'm trying to say is maybe you should learn more about her and ask her friends and whatnot to understand her more and get her more so she could get comfortable around you and such so she could feel more comfortable around you and when you have so much to talk about you guys can easily interract and hang out! I sincerely wish the best of luck to you!

10 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2018-02-15 23:23 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

It just means they don't like you that much. If they like you seeing them and spending time with them isn't hard. They want to see you and be with you.

They might've felt lonely and wanted to give it another shot and realized you can't be that person for them.

My advice is move on, good relationships usually start quite easily. Keeping them going always requires work, mainly after the honeymoon phase, but it is worth it.

11 Name: Divine Dante : 2018-02-15 23:30 ID:ktJdtDmc [Del]

>>8 we already broke up. She was constantly mad at me for being depressed (which just made it worse). And when she's mad she wouldn't talk to me. Though that was pretty normal until I tried talking to her about it and actually fixing the problem, but she broke up with me. So now there's way too much tension between us to try and get friendly with each other, she couldn't even be friendly when we were dating (just last last few months). But thanks anyways, I appreciate you support!
>>9 read above. Also I was one of her good friends. But the last few months she just started ignoring me and what I mentioned above. Later she said she didn't love me, to my friend while I was right there so yeah that hurt, especially since it was just a few hours after we broke up. Her anxiety was also one of her excuses for not seeing me, others include "i dont have gas to drive 10 minutes to your house", "i hate your mom, im not getting a ride from her", "i dont like people at my house" *has friend over multiple times instead*. So yeah i really dint know why she bothered "dating me" but i guess that relationship is done anyways unfortunately. Thanks for your advice, though it was a bit late. I appreciate it, and who knows, i'll probably have to use it in the future

12 Name: Divine Dante : 2018-02-15 23:34 ID:ktJdtDmc [Del]

>>10 yeah she just wasnt willing to put any effort in as seen in my above reply. Thanks, I'm moving on best I can.

13 Name: CryingMissile : 2018-02-16 06:18 ID:+hcqa4oj [Del]

I honestly hope it won't bother you much. Take your time to think things over and rest. That kind of thing will only exhaust you and your mind. You don't need to mull over it for long because you won't be able to move on, so best of luck to you. I hope you can find someone who values your presence in their life and your efforts to be closer together!