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Self defense (5)

1 Name: Kingmajor : 2018-02-09 18:43 ID:XfomzFMo [Del]

I have a problem at school these 3 kids keep bullying me and a couple of my friends I would do something but then they will try to fight me I’m not scared of them it’s just they always getting there older siblings to fight there battles for them .I feel like one day I’m just gonna flip and fight them.But I don’t wanna get jump. What should I do

2 Name: lumitic : 2018-02-09 19:26 ID:w2AbADcz [Del]

I'd tell a teacher about this problem. I know it may seem hard, but getting yourself involved by attacking them would only make you as bad as them. If you tell the truth to the teacher, then it should be fine. They'll handle it.

3 Name: Rin!AIDr0rTMps : 2018-02-10 01:55 ID:tQswmyNs [Del]

>>1 Don't fight. Think of ways to get over this, as implied in >>2. But if you get jumped anyways, it's alright to fight, but then immediately after, flight. Take care.

4 Name: greenCream : 2018-02-10 02:12 ID:szbdFhK8 [Del]

provoke them into a fight but make it subtle so while it will hurt getting the shit beaten out of you, if you make sure its out side of school grounds & hours you can then call the cops and have em arrested :) (just make sure you have your story straight and don't fight back as if you do they might be able to worm out of it somehow)

5 Name: dark : 2018-02-11 04:48 ID:4la6Dlcr [Del]

first, use a strategy of learning self-defense until it is second nature by then it will be a lot easier to defend you and your friends by the way you do not need to become a master just learn a couple of strikes and block then you will be fine and while your doing that keep practicing those moves and let your instincts kick in oh and weak points are eyes throat genitals the last one mostly works on guys though and it will take a couple of weeks until then so endure it as much as possible dude