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Education (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-01-19 02:30 ID:OOFgqPt5 [Del]

I'm really a simple guy. I study little to get average grades. Grades that is enough to get me to the next level and soon enough, for me, university. From university onwards is a different story.

Is being neutral always "safe"? I'm not sure whether or not I'm doing fine in life at this moment. Should I be a top student? Should get out there and do something esle? Or should I just stay being an average student?

2 Name: ChilliBlossoms : 2018-01-19 09:27 ID:jE5YW3gV [Del]

Well, it all really depends on what you're aiming for in the future. However, based on the fact that you wrote this, I'm assuming you are unsatisfied with your life right now? Look, I personally don't think being average is a bad thing. But the important thing here is, is how you yourself feel about your situation. If you're not, well, I hope this can help you.

You don't have to be a top student to lead a successful life. Not at all. Also, setting too much high of a goal too quickly will most likely not go very well.

That doesn't mean that you can't set goals for yourself of course. Just take it step by step. Basically, don't run before you can walk. This is something that I think we are all guilty of.

Also, this goes for more than just academics, it goes for everything in your life too. Whether it be starting a habit or getting rid of one.

How much do you study?
How do you study?
How active are you in school?
How stressed are you?

Those are some factors I can think of at the moment that might help you improve academically.

How much do you study? do you study once a week? Once a day? For how long each time?

If you study once a week. Try studying two times a week, then three times a week, then eventually, get into the habit of studying daily.

If you do study once every day, for how long? 10 minutes? An hour?
Try increasing it a little (that is if you think you're not studying enough. I think an hour everyday is very good). If you study 10 minutes a day, increase that to 20 minutes. Then after 3 weeks, increase you're studying time by 30 minutes.

It takes 3 weeks to create a habit. - That's information that I think you should keep in mind.

Okay, next is how do you study?

Maybe you're style of studying doesn't suit you. Try a different style of studying, one that suits you best. You won't believe how much simply studying differently can help you.

How active are you in school? Are you someone who actively takes notes? Ask questions in class and try to answer the teacher when you know the answer to their questions?

Now, it really depends on the kind of teacher I suppose. But in my school, participation is class is important. And also greatly helpful. If you're more active during class, you're more likely to learn what is being taught. so try it. Every once in a while, try to ask the teacher a question, make them elaborate on something you don't quite understand.

Are you stressed? Or I suppose, the correct question should be, are you too stressed? Because, as I've learned, a certain amount of stress is actually needed, otherwise you won't have the motivation to do much of anything. But if you're too stressed then that would greatly affect your performance in a bad way.

If so, then I suggest meditation. Or do some yoga.

Now, don't suddenly decide you want to meditate an hour everyday. Take one step at a time. First try meditating for 10 minutes. Then after 3 weeks, meditate for 20 minutes, and so on.

Also, school of course, can't be your whole life. Are you in any clubs? Do you play any sports? Do you have any passions? Do you go out with friends?

You need to balance your life out. School and personal life. Take some time off anything school related and have a good time with what you like to do.

Of course, it goes without saying that you can't just do what you want all the time either, and take time to do school work.

Well, this is a very lengthy advice...I hope it helped somewhat...

3 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2018-01-19 09:39 ID:vvTKsqfH [Del]

You don't have to go to college to be successful. Sometimes it's worse to go to a university. There are a lot of people who are in 40,000+ in debt with a degree that isn't in demand.

Firstly find out what you want to do in life. I used to be neutral and I dropped out of school. I only went back due to my future interests aligning with needing a college education.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2018-01-19 11:07 ID:b4tawL17 [Del]

>>2 It sure is a lengthy advice. It does help me to think. I'll be answering those questions myself. I'm sure I can get something out of all these. Thank you for your reply.

>>3 I agree. I suppose my interest is in University. I'll manage the finance and all those other stuff somehow. Thank you for the input.