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You'll have it your way, then? (11)

1 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !B97l4WMgXs : 2018-01-18 04:29 ID:aynA1tAk [Del]

Well, Dollars. It's been a crazy 7 years but, It's abundantly clear to me that I'm not welcome here. It doesn't matter my words or my actions, the longer I stay here, the more people will be hurt by me, or at least, according to you, that is.

So, I'll take my leave and you'll be rid of my once and for all. I really hoped that I could make this work, and I really wanted nothing but the best for ya'll. But, If I'm not wanted, then there's no reason for me to stick around. It's only stressful and I'm trying to change something that will never change. Maybe I've gone about it the wrong way, maybe I've been hostile where I should have been gentile. Who knows, but, I'll no longer be here to bother you. Since, the popular opinion is that I should be gone.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your days.
Maybe, you'll see that I've made something of myself in the years to come.

This is where I get off, friends. May our paths cross under very different circumstances.

2 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2018-01-18 06:43 ID:J2PgZv9S [Del]

*accepts responsibility then subsequently blames it on other's perceptions*

Seeya by supper, hunbun.

3 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2018-01-18 08:22 ID:ARYcaZ9e [Del]

I’m reminded of Clinton.

4 Name: Akito : 2018-01-18 11:02 ID:O4GusOaf [Del]

Water, You don't need to let the assholes who say your not welcome boss you around. Fuck what they say and what they stand for. I might not know you irl but no matter what your still a good friend of mine. The dollars is a place where anyone should feel welcome not just the people the others feel are "Ok to be here". That has fallen dramatically and that needs to change. I know ill looked down upon after posting this but I don't give a damn cause its what has to be said. im done with people being bullied around and told that they aren't welcome or good enough.

if you disagree with me contact me
Discord- Akitoo#7213

5 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2018-01-18 11:17 ID:Y0ZlVKvU [Del]

>>4 water is just like that. He's the only one that keeps bringing up the past, I don't even know what happened. Yet he rants about people here not liking him due to it. Nobody really gates him, he's just annoying.

People don't like him because if his random multiple posting. He uses multiple posts when he could include the content in one. Most of them aren't on topic. People get annoyed with his clutter and he blames it on the past aggressions he did.

6 Name: Concider This : 2018-01-19 21:56 ID:AaGjyOFL [Del]

A song to play you out, sweet prince:

7 Name: !KoWm.Y5RjY!!XI8GEi6V : 2018-01-20 02:17 ID:67QhyqZn [Del]

You should not leave. They win when you leave. They want that you leave. Dont Let Them Win!

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2018-01-20 10:18 ID:aN0rbpwK [Del]

>>5>>7 theres a reason the old members have a distaste for water y'know. Hes full on harassed people. T h e r e s a r e a s o n h e s b a n n e d f r o m e v e r y d o l l a r s c h a t

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Maimai : 2018-01-21 01:10 ID:88R5xDWP [Del]

>>3 i dont understand this...

i wish you good luck water <3 you will be missed <3