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I want to live life as an adventure (22)

1 Name: Yuki : 2018-01-13 00:05 ID:2cI9+5xD [Del]

I've always loved great feelings. Those you get when faced to danger, when you are successful against all odds, when you swim in the unknown, when you kiss someone you love for the first time, when you get a shiver from live music, when you and your friends just hang out and are chat about whatever... Unfortunately, this doesn't happen in my life so much! I want to have an impact and save some friend from depression, I want to live my first happy summer surrounded by people that I could truly consider as friends, I want to have some crazy adventure... The problem is that the only moments I felt truly happy where when I was far away from home with total strangers! That is why next year, at 19 years old, I will go far away from home for 6 months. I've never had a true friend that really cared enough to be the one bringing me out and no girlfriend as well. In fact, I've never met anyone that actually understood me. That's why I'll go on this adventure. I know that I'm not the only one feeling that way and that every one has its demons, so I'll try to be the person I needed all those years for anyone else!

If someone has anything to comment... Go ahead!

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3 Name: Rin!AIDr0rTMps : 2018-01-13 10:36 ID:XDHWd6Uv [Del]

I can relate to a certain extent. I salute you for spending that much energy for the sake of adventure. I sometimes wish I could be like that. I'm so lazy... Anyways, do what you do and have fun.

4 Name: Yuki : 2018-01-15 01:24 ID:2cI9+5xD [Del]

Oh thanks! Ijust can't wait... In the mean time I really don't know what to do haha. I'm really bored and and don't really have anything to do since I've dropped all of the people I used to call friends. (They weren't though and I'm kind of sad about it too)

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6 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2018-01-15 02:05 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

Sounds like you'll do ok, just some self finding. You have to love yourself before you can live others too.

Also life is boring a lot, but you can do your best to make it interesting. I'm fascinated with quantum mechanics and electromagnetics, and I'm going to school to learn about it. The more I learn the more I realize how unknown the world is to humans as well.

7 Name: Yuki : 2018-01-15 13:45 ID:2cI9+5xD [Del]

Oh thanks a lot! What career do you want do have later on with that education?

8 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2018-01-15 15:50 ID:Y0ZlVKvU [Del]

Design computer chips and get into quantum computing. I'll probably teach when I retire though lol

9 Name: Aleister : 2018-01-15 18:34 ID:mJJkwtzr [Del]

Have you ever thought of Volunteering? Find something that you can help with, it doesn't matter what. Suggest that you do that while doing this adventure of yours, It can be fulfilling and you can meet a lot of people. Maybe, you'll find the thing/s you are seeking.

10 Name: Jo : 2018-01-15 22:55 ID:rvr1Ol7Y [Del]

I feel similar. I do have some dependable friends, but I kind of want to do this sort of thing too.

11 Name: Bastion : 2018-01-15 23:41 ID:Gm3ELJpN [Del]

>>1 Yeah, I know how you feel. Everyday it's like I'm just waiting and searching for that one moment that will change it all, but it never comes. I'm always waiting for someone that I love and a dependable and hilarious rogues gallery of friends to go and find adventure with, and every time I feel as though I'm getting close, it's always yanked away from me. So I play games where miraculous things and mundane, but comforting things, happen to me. But it doesn't change that in the end nothing has changed, and I'm still the same person I've always been. I read stories of heroes and people with flaws who stand against adversity anyways every day fanatically because it lets me forget who I am and where I am, and just get sucked into the story, but when the lights are out and the day is done, I haven't changed, and nothing has gotten any better or worse. I can't even handle going to school, it's just the same thing everyday over and over again, and I'm just so damn tired of it all. I've applied for a year long foreign exchange trip, so I can get away from home,but if I can't end up going, I'll probably just run away from home, I can't imagine anything being worse than this.

12 Name: Jo : 2018-01-16 20:58 ID:rvr1Ol7Y [Del]

Its like you are describing every day of my life perfectly

13 Name: Bastion : 2018-01-17 01:43 ID:Gm3ELJpN [Del]

>>12 Yeah, it's hard isn't it? Sometimes I just don't know how to keep going on honestly.

14 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !B97l4WMgXs : 2018-01-17 15:05 ID:aynA1tAk [Del]

When it comes, you may not be happy with where you find yourself. Trust me when I say this; you're better if with a boring and predictable life.

15 Name: Yuki : 2018-01-18 23:50 ID:2cI9+5xD [Del]

I believe that you are the first person that I find feeling like me... I'm going to actually go on a student exchange too! Man I wish I could know someone like you. I bet that we would force each other to get out there and enjoy life more. I feel that we are shaped by all of the stories we know about from anime, series, games... What about us though?! We forget to be spontaneous, to be bold, to express ourselves... To be human I guess.

Thanks you guys I didn't know so much people felt the same way...

16 Name: Bastion : 2018-01-21 01:49 ID:Gm3ELJpN [Del]

>>15 It just kinda makes sense I guess right? We've all grown up with stories of a world long gone, and world's that ever existed. The opportunity to live life as an adventure has mostly gone, but I think that it's still out there somewhere, it's gotta be, right?

17 Name: Yuki : 2018-01-22 20:08 ID:2cI9+5xD [Del]

I mean I would be pretty bummed haha

18 Name: Aleister : 2018-01-23 16:49 ID:mJJkwtzr [Del]

It's nice to be young, At least, I think most here are at their teens, that's why you can ponder all this fantasy like dreams of adventure. And that's good, don't get me wrong.. this is the only time you can dream and realize that dream into fruition, do not hinder yourselves. Once you become an adult, you can only look back and say "I should have done this before", regret eats you up but you can't really do anything about because there are much more important things that you must do. Most if not all, you'll be a slave to society, being in an endless loop of work, home, sleep, eat. So I say go on an adventure, make mistakes, live your life to the fullest.

19 Name: Ouraki : 2018-01-24 19:18 ID:z8weN4iE [Del]

You can always run away, but whatever boredom, sadness, etc will follow you. You cannot truly run away from your pain, but with that being said I still commend you on realizing that you want to be independent and make life choices for yourself. It's easy to think you are small in the mass amount of people in this world, but this can also be seen as reassurance as all of these people have the ability to impact your life in a positive way.

Good luck on your travels man. Or woman. Either way we're all human, so the fleshy gender stuff doesn't matter.

20 Name: Opium Poppy : 2018-01-25 12:17 ID:IzbJveuQ [Del]

MAke sure your well equiped. and probably people know you left. No need to runaway to do it. (then again mentioning the obvious not saying you are) well good luck

Explore the world have fun. But stay safe. and be wise. Not everything is nice. Not everything brings escape. Most journey are just trouble after troubles. Thats how it goes.

Then again my little bro did 3 countries did foreign exchange did so much things... But again you need the proper set up.

Also sort of envious of you... And at the same time not. I guess this is the difference in people. I am better at holding the fort and preparing for people to stay well and have a place to come back too...

The world isn't always nice. And a lot of things are scary if you know about them... Yet still full of tourist spots and land to explore!

And no you probably won't magically save a friend from depression. Or discover uncharted land. You might but not with that initial pep you explained in your first post. Still passion and willingness to help will help. Most task need patience and wisdom. Strength or resources, etc. going full circle good luck

21 Name: Yuki : 2018-01-25 18:42 ID:q1vunBn3 [Del]

Thanks to all of you guys... Your comments are veru enlightening! I'm thankful for your advices and I will certainly follow a bunch of them!

Have a good day :)

22 Name: Nyx : 2018-01-25 23:00 ID:dvRWeAyC [Del]

i envy with you bro. I also want to go adventure one day, but I too afraid to do it