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I like someone? (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-01-06 04:56 ID:9mjxYBHO [Del]

To put it simply, I have no interest in romance for some time now. But recently, I think I really wanted affection from a girl in my school, which is really uncalled for. I'm clueless as to how should I react and what I should do.

2 Name: Pancake : 2018-01-06 08:36 ID:3ImNtOd0 [Del]

I would talk to her and become her freind and see where things go from there, or you could just straight up tell her you like her or something

3 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-01-06 14:27 ID:qAVbmyr/ [Del]

Just straight up tell her, no point in waiting, you'll just always be wondering if you never find out if it'll work out. But I'll tell you now sir if no one else has. Relationships are serious business! I wouldn't do it if I weren't ready, those things can get a little crazy/ tricky.

4 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-01-06 14:28 ID:DZDLyOBn [Del]

*or m'am

5 Name: Fake : 2018-01-07 03:11 ID:mOpi4Gr7 [Del]

Like Tree said relationships are serious and this may not be the best place to ask for advice, in all honesty I'm surprised some little shot isn't mocking you for asking this important question (P.S. ask friend that are or have been in relationships with similar people)

6 Name: Tovarische Putin : 2018-01-07 10:43 ID:aOD1fuu6 [Del]

Listen, liking it or not, if you want my sincere advice, I'd recommend checking out social relations, "how to make friends" videos and so on and so forth. It took me over a year to trully get the grasp but in the end I was one of the most popular dudes in the school (And tbh the 2nd craziest, but at least they knew who I was). Ofc I didn't had a perfect holywood popular life as I didn't like parties so people eventualy stoped calling me to go to parties but my presence was pretty much enjoyed by everyone and I had made friends with younger people AND most of the people from my age.

But what does this has to do with your lil relationship problem? Well, you see, these games like "The Sims" which have this little "like bar" where it shows how much someone likes you, are pretty damn accurate because there is something like that IRL as well, but it's way more complex, so before you go up to her and say you like her, try to "work your way to the top" that means, make she seem interested in you, and if she doesn't show any interest in you then move on, it won't be a hard blow not to be liked by someone as many people say once you've got the charisma setting just right, as you will feel liked by everyone! try it!

I'd recommend the book "Unvealing the charisma myth, by olive fox cabane" pretty fucking good, also "How to make friends by Dale Carnegie" also pretty fucking good. If you learn what is inside both these books and actively apply it, in 2 or 3 years you will become so likeable that people will think you are a super-star!

For starters, before I had started my studies around one year ago, I had a handful of friends and a bunch of acquaintances, now I have a shit ton of acquaintances and... Uh... More potential friends than before, since making real friends is something REALLY TIRING.

Good luck anyways! and GOD'S SPEED TOVARISCHE!

7 Name: Namie : 2018-01-07 14:23 ID:EdJ0pfmp [Del]

>I have no interest in romance for some time now
>I think I really wanted affection from a girl in my school

Nice contradiction m8.

>Relationships are serious business!

Schoolyard crushes aren't though...