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Relationship issues (2)

1 Name: Another Pseudonym : 2017-12-23 20:13 ID:2Iy/I4f+ [Del]

A few of you might remember me under a different name(s) from a while back. I change it so Im not traced by people i know irl that check the site occasionally. Anyways, four months ago i was asked out by my crush, we got together and everything was great for like 2 months. We had at least one day alone together a week for the first few weeks. Then she took the one day we had and made it into a day with our group of friends with the addition of an extra day, which was cool by me other than me being kinda upset that we didnt get time alone together anymore except occasionally maybe once everyother week. Mid-november comes around and she just stops coming over, so 0 alone time. Early december rolls around and she stops coming the our friend hangout things. And like i wanna be understanding about it because shes on the low end with money and lives out of town by 10ish minutes, as well as her having seasonal depression as her reasons for not coming. So now that we dont hangout outside school anymore, I only get to see her 1 class of the day. Its a study hall so theres no real restrictions on where you sit, what you do, etc. but she always sits by her friend, away from me. If she does happen to sit by me she doesnt talk to me and talks to the rest of the friend group. So now im at near to 0 interaction with her, so i talked to her and she said she's uncomfortable without that friend, my friends give her anxiety, and I also give her anxiety. I keep in my issues with the whole ordeal, only talking to her the one time, just accepting whatever she says without pointing out flaws and whatnot. But i also have depression, as well as a problem with cutting for the past year, which has probably turned to an addiction at this point seeing as i do it every other day if not every on average. And i really do want to talk to her about all of whats going on and how i feel but she never seems to want to text me either. She always usually gets mad at me when i do. The last time i did though i was lucky i guess and she told me she still wanted to stay with me. Thanks for reading and if you have any advice.

2 Name: Yatoqami : 2017-12-25 00:07 ID:sJuGrXq1 [Del]

I know exactly how tough this is, but you should propably give her some space to set her mind, if she really has deeper feelings for you, she will eventually get closer and spend more time with you again. If you try to push things now, the situation could just get out of hand and she could break up, because you didn't give her enough time or space to set her mind. I've lost my ex gf exactly line that, I didn't give her the time she needed and she just left me out of anxiety. Believe me I really know how hard it is to just step back and wait now, uncertain of what she thinks of you and how she feels right now, but there is no use in pushing her into a decision. I wish you the best of luck whatever you decide to do.