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stereotypical thread about how bad i am at social interaction bla bla (5)

1 Name: onodera : 2017-12-21 00:11 ID:0RniJo7O [Del]

hey fellas. just-turned-17-yesterday here. i hate talking about my feelings with people i actually know which is why i came here of all places.

is it normal to feel this immature? i feel like my personality is stuck back at 14 or something. i uh, still can't talk to girls, hurr durr. like, i shoulda gotten better at striking up conversation at this point right? and for the life of me i can't muster the courage to message the girl i like and try to converse. she seems like the kind of gal i could maybe feel comfortable being around. but i'm just simply not good at this, and most girls i talk to only respond to my messages and don't initiate conversation, at which point i assume they hate my guts or something and i give up on talking to them. it's weird to just friend somebody and start messaging em when you don't really talk much at all in person, right? so i feel like i shouldn't do it. but then i think, man up. what's there to lose? well, more self-confidence if she ends up avoiding me, i guess.

i dunno, i'm retarded. why does my happiness lie in such a cliche as puppy love. i know that even if we become great friends and get married or something she won't be able to fill up my whole life and make me happy forever, so why do i bother? i am so blessed and have so many things and so many opportunities that others don't have but i feel shallow. i know as a teen i'm still changing and figuring life out but wow it feels like these questions will never be answered.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-21 16:29 ID:bngl4lAf [Del]

Do it, man. Message her, tell her what's on your mind! Honestly, I'm pretty young and I'm really mature for my age. But that's a different story! Do what you want to do. Just be casual and just say, "How are you" or anything. Good luck, dude!

3 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2017-12-22 10:59 ID:wrkGu22B [Del]

Well first Onodera you must be accept who you are as a person. What makes you unique, something that is you. Be proud of it, that is who you are as a person. Then understand that when you decide to ask this girl out, approach her with confidence. Understand that your no ordinary guy. You have something unique to offer her, you. She may not know that, but by being confident she begins to question what about this guy makes him so confident. It will intrigue her, trust me. I'm an older dude, try this...but before all must be proud of who YOU are.

4 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-12-22 11:18 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

I have trouble talking to people I don't know very well, since I don't know their interests. It took me a while to figure that out though.

Are You able to talk to guys easily, assuming youre straight? If so why are you so hesitant to talk to this girl? You can't get to know someone till they talk about stuff. If you want to know them on a personal level confess and/or ask them out.

What is it that is stopping you from asking them out? Are there red flags that you see in them that make you realize it wouldn't work? That was my main reason for not asking one out, which it took a bad experience for me to realize that. Or is it just self doubt?

As you get older you are still the same person, you just fix the flaws you don't like about yourself. My girlfriend akways says I act like a kid, since I mess with everything that spark my curiosity. I still question things like a child, I play the why game a lot with myself to figure things out. My point is not all adults act like adults, oh I'm 26 to give you some perspective.

5 Name: onodera : 2018-01-03 00:31 ID:K7KqSCjK [Del]

well, uh, it turned out she avoided talking to me. but now that it's happened i'm not so angsty about it, y'know, i' e just accepted it. but i wanted to thank you guys for taking the time to leave some advice. i will try my best to build up some self-confidence.. for next time.