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How to deal with anger? (11)

1 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-12-08 04:00 ID:tMW4AY9N [Del]

Hi! I don't know, but I'm always angry. I'm normally a very shy person and I can't speak my mind, but when something annoys me, I become very angry and say bad things to everybody, no matter if I am angry at them or not. I want to learn to control this anger, but I simply can't. My parents are always fighting at home and there is no day when they don't shout at each other. Maybe this is the real reason why I am angry, but I can't tell them that they should love each other again or should be friendly again. So I'm eating up my own anger and when something happens that annoys me, I spill it all out. I hate myself for this and I always feel very bad after I do it.
Can somebody help me please?

2 Name: Boopwrang : 2017-12-08 04:08 ID:xmun754h [Del]

You can try to talk it out. It is not very good to bottle up emotions. If your parents care about you they might hear you out. You can try to ease stress by doing activities you enjoy and doing something that calms you. Exercising also relieves stress.

3 Name: Sonny : 2017-12-08 05:16 ID:i8RN1EFb [Del]

Hm, I was pretty angry coming up, and still am I guess. You might want to try talking it out like Boopwrang suggested, I'm sure your parents will listen you. Parents should really respond and reflect on themselves especially if their kid points it out to them.

As for your anger you shouldn't bottle it up, not a lot of people can do that and have a stable mentality. You just gotta channel your anger into something else, it was kickboxing for me, and much meditation. But definitely start by talking, before ya end up like me hahaha

hope this helps a little atleast.

4 Name: Cara : 2017-12-09 01:44 ID:4DopULWa [Del]

I kinda know how u feel, I was in a similar situation myself...but instead of being angry I was stressed. Like school work got me so stressed I didn't get enough sleep :( What I did was pick up martial arts, first I did Aikido. There is a philosophy in Aikido that u can direct your opponent's energy back at them (in this case your anger, try to dissipate it to somewhere else).

But I realised a problem...u can't keep escaping your troubles, one day u hv to face them; there will be some problems u can't escape- like growing up/changes. So I picked up Kendo... I learnt a lot. Like how a fighting spirit is important when faced with adversity. U hv to maintain your form too (composure in this case). Winning and losing is part and parcel of Kendo (and in life), accept defeat, keep your cool, and grow stronger.

Whenever I'm feeling stressed or angry I'll pick up my shinai (sword) and do 100 jogeburi :D It calms me down really... Best of luck!

5 Name: Curlzzzz !78aUaOiHOk : 2017-12-09 20:27 ID:sCr9OHib [Del]

1 - Why are your parents arguing? Find out what makes them angry and try to help them.
2 - Do sports or something to express your anger. It helps.
3 - talk to your friends. It also helps.
4 - Try meditation. It calms down.

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7 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-12-10 03:58 ID:4M0duCSl [Del]

>>2 Thanks for the advice. I tried to talk with them often. My parents say that they are talking about things I would not understand. The real problem is that my mum wants to return to Rumania, because she doesn't like Germany, but my dad thinks that people in Rumania are all dumb and then they fight because of every little thing because my mum thinks everything would be better in Rumania. My older brother moved already to his girlfriends house because he said that he will kill our parents if he stays longer.

>>3 & >>4 I started doing yoga to relax, but it didn't help really. I think I should do some sports. Kickboxing or Kendo sounds like a good idea to let your anger out! Thanks for the advices! :D

>>5 I tried to help them. But I can't really help them. When I try to tell my mum that Rumania is worser than Germany, then she says that I'm arrogant like my dad and when I say that she is right, then my dad shouts at me and says that I'm the same dumb kind like my mum. They are like children and I really don't understand why they are like this.

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11 Name: Sonny : 2017-12-10 05:24 ID:i8RN1EFb [Del]

geez what happened here? One of the site's trolls?

Anyways... glad you decided to seek some advice and talk about it!
Hope things get better!