Dollars BBS | Personal
















Old dollars, new tricks (32)

1 Name: Mons : 2017-12-07 20:52 ID:QDM1FzAN [Del]

I have been a Dollar for awhile but I feel like I have not used it as best as I can.

I wonder what are your experiences here. I have no idea how much of a difference the Dollar site makes. I also wonder who the Dollars are as a collective. Are we just Otakus? There is a lot of questions I have for this site.

One thing though. I would like to make friends here and if the Dollars have any type of influence in real life I would like to do something like that to.

2 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-12-08 03:21 ID:1hyIM9XK [Del]

I came as a fan of the anime but stayed for fun. Honestly, I didn't contribute to make the world a better place. I just kill time for myself.

3 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-12-08 03:34 ID:tMW4AY9N [Del]

I came here to find friends only. I don't like the world outside there. People are egoistic and I don't think that I could make this world better. I tried and people laughed about me and called me naive so I gave up at the end. I'm not a Otaku. I love anime more than the real world. But I'm not cosplaying the whole day and marry my boddypillow. I don't know if really anybody makes a mission here or if they not all only pretending to make missions to be like Mikado. I really don't know, but I don't think that the Dollars have real influence in real life.

4 Name: Sonny : 2017-12-08 05:22 ID:i8RN1EFb [Del]

I'm actually pretty new here, but I came here for all the reasons above, except for the Otakus one (not even entirely sure what that is). I get bored and I'm all about making friends, having fun, making a difference in the world no matter how small. I'm there are other dollars out there actually doing things. I would too, but iI'm a bit busy being in the military and all. If you still want make a difference by the time I'm out, I'm all ears!

5 Name: unknown : 2017-12-08 15:17 ID:3GzDcDVp [Del]

sonny thats great that there are dollars in the military. i think think thats really great i want to have the dollars to have influence and having them in the military means that the dollars are spreading

6 Name: Mons : 2017-12-08 19:33 ID:sMH6YCKP [Del]

Thanks all for your response,
>>2 Rin, I feel like it is pretty much a place to kill time. I wonder what was the intention of the creator of the site. Maybe just a nice small project or maybe hoping it would be bigger. Also wonder if the creator of the site is still around.

>>3 G.P. yea... The real work does suck in so many levels. I feel like if I explained to others about this site, they would also think I am stupid. How could they not?
I think it would be cool if the Dollars has influence, I've seen post where others feel the same but in reality, How likely it is for the Dollars to start being influential? It would be cool to actively help people. Not just post banners as Otakus, but effectively use the platform. Like the Discord counseling group the Dollars made. Stuff like that in real life.

>>4 Sonny I feel you. The world gets busy enough to help as a Dollar. Maybe there could be ways to help with a little bit of time...?
Maybe when you get out the Dollars would be more active. Don't know how to stir this large group myself but it would be a cool idea.

7 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-12-08 21:21 ID:zLSFcjXp [Del]

>>6 im pretty sure reltair made this just as a fan site and nit for it to be taken seriously. Personally i just use this place to make friends and meet people, i do do the odd mission when im able or have the money/resourses

8 Name: Mons : 2017-12-09 04:00 ID:n68oU4Hm [Del]

>>7 Shiro, what type of missions? I wonder what type missions do the Dollar site users do. I see a lot of petitions that seem random but besides that, to my understanding, it seems the site is just like you said almost a joke type of thing.

9 Name: Sonny : 2017-12-09 04:57 ID:i8RN1EFb [Del]

I honestly think this site is what you want it to be, you are bound to find some one who wants to do the same things you want to. May be a little harder since the hype has gone down, but people are still becoming members. From what I've seen in one of the old threads, a group of dollars went out to give blankets and food out for the winter.

I'm glad you are enthusiastic about wanting make a difference. Just takes time and gotta start small. By being enthusiastic you've already made a difference, regardless of what anyone thinks keep doing you. The reason I joined up is because I wanted to help people too and staying anonymous while I do it.

10 Name: Mons : 2017-12-09 08:00 ID:THX+fsuu [Del]

>>9 That is definitely a positive outlook. I'll see what happens the more I use this site.

11 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-12-09 09:37 ID:zLSFcjXp [Del]

>>8 honestly i just do the more simple and easy mission, leaving positive notes around, helping out homeless people with food and money. Just simple stuff like that

12 Name: Curlzzzz !78aUaOiHOk : 2017-12-09 20:18 ID:sCr9OHib [Del]

Doing missions is great. Did some smaller missions like >>11, but I agree with ppl who said that we don't have a big influence irl. This is only an anime fansite imo.

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17 Name: Mons : 2017-12-10 20:27 ID:THX+fsuu [Del]

>>13 Kanra, maybe the thread can he answered and it is a common question but with a group of people things can change. Asking is just a status update. Who are we currently?

>>11 Isn't stuff like that things that people would normally do? Just asking.

>>12 you are right. It is an anime fan site, mostly. At least in a positive is more active than Facebook. Only would need legit notifications or being able to message other dollars. (MAYBE)

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20 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-12-11 04:04 ID:U8VChb87 [Del]

>reddit for anime fans
Well, if we had a "like button"... I mean, regarding the degree of its users' intelligence we're almost on the same level...

>>1 My experience here is kinda like... many people who talk about missions, the great change and that we should make the Dollars as great as in the anime - but surprisingly only a few people who actually do something.
To be honest, the best way to use this site is to fuck all that "make the world better" and "we are a gang" bullshit and just use it as a normal BBS.
At least it'd contribute to reduce cringy threads like this one.

21 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-12-11 08:12 ID:zLSFcjXp [Del]

yall are why we cant have nice things

22 Name: Namie : 2017-12-11 08:41 ID:WH7irmJy [Del]

>>21 Don't you want to save the planet Shiro?

23 Name: Tarquin : 2017-12-11 11:44 ID:xghmBvdF [Del]

I think the idea of the Dollars is a perspective thing. A lot of us and I mean a lot of us are just Otakus and that's something that part of the group will only ever be. However there are a good handful of us that are trying to make a difference in the world also. We have social media groups with members that try to spread awareness of issues and spread messages that can put a smile on the faces of others. Some members cover petitions and do their best to take more news stories and world issues that are overlooked and make them more known and spread them out.

For my personal experience, (which I hope but am unsure if most other members do) I help people in terms of therapeutic psychology. For about 6 months I studied and learned from different professional psychologists how the brain works and how to help others. With depression being a very big issue this day, I felt it would a productive way of helping people and so far it has. Often I'll see random pedestrians cry in a restaurant or a college student stressing out and this is where my work becomes applied. I don't follow any Dollars missions when doing my work, it is all on my own (which personally I believe is how a lot of Dollars should operate). Though a lot of my work is by myself I still take pride as a member of the Dollars because I am able to represent an idea that the world can change if enough of us try and are willing.

If you want to make a difference and you want to be a Dollar that helps the world, don't rely on the missions board or what everyone else is doing. Make missions for yourself and help people that need it. Think of what you want to bring to this group, once you have then get off your butt and go be that.

I hope this all helps and I (along with others) can't wait to see what you're gonna do.

24 Name: Rbs : 2017-12-17 00:39 ID:lNGXhrja [Del]

Well In my experience over the span of 2 summers, I met a bunch on different people. Like a few were dealing with real life issues and we’d help them and try to cheer them up (Somtimes others would try to make it worse but we’d always stand by their side :3), other times were like rping (roleplaying) or playing random games and actually get really close as friends.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-17 14:46 ID:ANTemYlT [Del]

I have been on here for a number of years, and until recently I haven't met any problems, but I usually stroll the depths of the of personal, now I've got a butthurt self righteous white knight on my back because they don't agree with my methods.


26 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-12-18 02:27 ID:D2l/TK8p [Del]

>>25 Are you talking about me? I'm not a white knight, I'm only against bullying.

27 Name: Sonny : 2017-12-18 06:09 ID:Udn9cRZ9 [Del]

Still around here Mons?

28 Name: Namie : 2017-12-18 06:13 ID:EdJ0pfmp [Del]

>>26 lol

29 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-18 16:50 ID:p+USA1/7 [Del]

>>26 oh GP.. I really recommend to stop assuming. >>25 might be talking about someone else.

But hey its okay to defend yourself as long they're actually talking about you. I've been bullied here in this board once by trolls. just keep your cool hun~ (^_^)

30 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-18 18:22 ID:p+USA1/7 [Del]

>>29 urk. this sounded insulting for some reason. I didnt mean it this way G.P.

I just wanted you to know that sometimes, letting go of the argument is the best option rather than being all defensive and stuff.

>>1 and i really came here clueless about shit and just wanted to advertise my Donation pool. and probably ask some dollars from my area to help me but it was all in vain. stayed for rudeness check and how much i can handle people. because yeah, people are more aggressive online than offline.

31 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-12-18 20:13 ID:Xz4jYcp9 [Del]

>>30 Are people more aggressive online than offline?
I've heard of people beating others up with a baseball bat offline, but I haven't heard of people beating others up online... mustn't this proof that people are more aggressive offline...?

32 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-19 00:15 ID:6edShQOd [Del]

>>31 well, you do have different perspective of things lol. I meant it in a more verbal manner. Yours is physical.