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I don’t know what to do (3)

1 Name: Akihiko : 2017-11-27 17:51 ID:U3waS253 [Del]

I have a boyfriend but the thing is we got together without even liking each other because it started out with him liking another girl and me liking another guy. We confided in each other with our problems since we couldn’t get with who we liked and decided we would date each other. My crush was really low key and it’s been a couple months now so I’ve been able to get over it, but his crush he had for several months and he even kissed her and did other stuff with her. The thing is, she has a boyfriend and the reason my current boyfriend couldn’t get with her is because she didn’t want to break up with her boyfriend. Now I’m dating him but he’s still really close to the girl he liked and I’m pretty sure still likes. They’re best friends and they always spend lots of time together. He talks about her a lot and he’s always buying her stuff and doing favors for her. He was even going to give me the same thing that he gave her which thank god I avoided. I traded phones with my boyfriend a couple of times and I’ve seen how often he texts her (24/7, more than he texts me) and how many pictures he has of her. They share a locker they talk to each other every day and they also play games together so they’re always talking about that when I’m around and it’s just really awkward because I don’t play those games and I don’t jvow what they’re talking about. I don’t know what to do. The girl he was into and probably still is into is actually a really nice person so it’s hard for me to hate on her. She honestly has the exact same personality as me except that she’s funnier, prettier, younger, and skinnier. It’s scary because all the time I just feel like her replacement. I already have severe depression and anxiety and this is just making all of that so much worse. I’m at a loss for what to do at this point. I’m already in deep to the point where I’ve delevoped feelings for him but now everyday it’s just killing me inside with jealousy and self hate because I’m certain he likes her. I brought this up with him once before very subtly and he just scoffed at me and said that if i was feeling that way it’d just be stupid.

2 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-11-27 18:19 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

Break it off with him. If it was me I would have felt like they were playing me. There was way too many red flags you stated to have a meaningful relationship with him. He is just using you, maybe even to try and make the other girl jealous.

You are supposed to be his best friend, not some side chick. If he truly loved you he would talk to you more and text you more. Guys tend to do things together and not talk a lot. He could be different, but if he's not like that with his guy friends means he still is trying/wanting to be with her.

If he can't respect or even try to understand your feelings means he isn't into you. He just covers it up by calling you stupid, when it is common sense anyone would feel like you do. He would feel the same if that girl he hangs around so much did the same to him.

I had a similar experience and it ended badly, since I ignored the red flags. I should've ended it when I first noticed them, it woulda been a lot easier to deal with.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-11-28 05:37 ID:6mHTN0Y2 [Del]
