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Any Advice? (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-11-26 13:15 ID:Abd9wM7o [Del]

I have been worried about coming out to my parents for a while. My dad seems like he would be ok with it but my mom is super religious and thinks it’s wrong to be gay. I was talking to her earlier and she said it was against nature and god and that it was gross. I want don’t want her to hate me but not telling her is a huge burden and I feel like I can’t be myself. Does anyone have any advice? I really need help.

2 Name: Coto : 2017-11-27 01:15 ID:DQN4kNQO [Del]

Oh man! I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Maybe you should talk to your mom and see if she can see your point of view?
Y'know ease her into it-and I'm sorry to say that- but she has her side too. I think it's best to try and understand each other. She may not understand at first, but give her time, she will.
You have a really special opportunity to educate your mom on these issues.
The way my mom found out I was gay was she caught me with someone of the same sex. She may not accept it at first,but baby steps are better than just jumping in I think. She, and you, can have more time to process. Plus, you have a great community to find support in :)
But maybe someone else here has another idea! Just do what feels best with you!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-11-28 05:39 ID:6mHTN0Y2 [Del]


4 Name: k0 !9iZUdJnCqI : 2017-11-28 18:28 ID:qLWKlj4X [Del]

i came out as bisexual a while ago while I was arguing against my dad on the subject (hes really old school and religious and not as accepting as others, kinda like ur case) and he said something like "alright well name a few people u kno like that then" and I replied "myself and a few others, personally." at first he lashed out a little (but it diddnt get physical only emotional) and after a while when everything cooled down I spoke up about it again. hes still not that accepting (again, religious) but hes coming along.

my advice is to go and tell them casually, like when no ones talking about anything at dinner, when watching tv, etc. don't make it akward, it will be on ur side, it always is, but try not to make it that way on theirs. and always know u have someone to turn to, whether its here or somewhere else.