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Crisis in Paradise (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-11-20 06:19 ID:1achgG1v [Del]

I've been dating this girl for 3 years now, and now that we've moved in together things are starting to fall apart. I work two jobs so that we can afford our bills more comfortably, but because of that I'm not around as much as she would like nor do I have the energy to go out and do the things she wants to do with me so it's putting a big strain on our relationship. I've been considering couples counseling or therapy for this, but I don't think she'll be up for it because of her extreme social anxiety.

Essentially I'm just not sure what I should do and I figured I could get some decent opinions here.

2 Name: Tsuki : 2017-11-20 11:21 ID:sh2oKLi3 [Del]

Are you guys not married yet? If anything, I advice not to have a baby yet. Anyways, it is sure tough but you got to keep it together. Try to balance work and "play". Somehow, get yourself into a routine that lets you have energy at the end of the day for your relationship bonding. From what you said, couple counseling doesn't seem to be a choice, but if you think you need it, go ahead. Anyways, try to manage yourself, thats all.

3 Name: Angel : 2017-11-22 00:41 ID:7J/W0FZJ [Del]

My husband is in the same situation like u and I know exactly what's ur girlfriend feel. U just need to talk to her often, tell her that what u've done is for her too. U have to spare ur time to have a "fun time" with her like a little chit chat,a hug, a kiss, or go out sometime. U don't have to spend all of ur time, u just have to give a little time for her. Just try to make her feel that she doesn't lose u and she is very important to u.
Well that's work for me and my husband, hope it'll work to yours too. Good luck.. Sorry for my bad English

4 Name: AmazingHoffman : 2017-11-24 12:34 ID:3Rf/4Tnb [Del]

People say that if you want a relationship to work out, you need at least 90 minutes of face-to-face communication per week. Find the time to talk about the things that are on your minds. I'm sure it'll work out fine, I'm crossing my fingers for you! Although I have never been in a relationship before, I thought I'd put this here.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2017-11-28 05:40 ID:6mHTN0Y2 [Del]
