Dollars BBS | Personal
















Hopeless (5)

1 Name: Bastion : 2017-11-16 20:44 ID:Gm3ELJpN [Del]

Every day just feels the same, like nothing ever changes. I have barely any friends, and the ones I do have are more akin to acquaintances who I can't really talk to about anything important, the few friends I do have don't understand how I feel, and I just can't bring myself to talk to anyone who cares. I have no girlfriend, I just about never leave the house anymore except to go to school or to walk my dog, and I always feel like I have this hollowness in my chest that just won't go away, I just feel so empty inside, and every time I try and think of the important things in my life or the reasons I have left for living, I can't come up with anything. Every night and every day I'm constantly thinking about how much easier it would be just to kill myself and just end it all, so I wouldn't have to feel so empty and isolated. I'm not honestly expecting that I'll get any advice that will help me, but I just had to vent somehow so this is it.

2 Name: Random person : 2017-11-16 20:54 ID:re6lbiNF [Del]

Dude seriously don't kill urself there is a lot of amazing things in this world and killing urself is not gonna help try to make new things or join a team sport or after school activitiy or get a new hobby but please don't kill urself

3 Name: Random person : 2017-11-16 20:57 ID:re6lbiNF [Del]

Sorry ment new friends not new things

4 Name: Bastion : 2017-11-16 21:05 ID:Gm3ELJpN [Del]

>>2 I'm a member of a club at school, I draw all the time, read a lot, and exercise semifrequently. The problem has never been that I don't have hobbies or pasttimes, but that none of the ones I do have fulfill me and I can't fill the hollowness I feel inside. New friends would be a good suggestion, but I'm not very good at meeting new people, and I don't nearby to anyone who's even close to my age.

5 Name: Kurise : 2017-12-07 04:41 ID:NoTTvN6R [Del]

I hope you're still here. I know how you feel. I have a close group of friends and they're the only people I can really hang out with. But I can't talk to them about anything personal. They barely feel like real friends half the time. I feel left out and alone, and I know I can't truly be myself. They don't understand how I feel and it sucks. I also do a lot of things like play music and draw but it never fulfils me either. It feels more like a struggle where I just can't get where I want to be and I can't get these feelings out. I just feel alone.

I know how you feel, but I assure you that you have a place in this world. Even knowing you're a person and I'm here talking to you, something I can't do with my friends, is comforting. You can relate to others like me, like us. There are people out there who care.

You're still in school right? Enjoy it. Focus and study and distract yourself with things you enjoy and reward yourself for hard work. School is something that passes by too quickly and I know how it is to be lonely and regret a lot of things. My advice is to focus and make school a rewarding experience. Don't fret the little things.

And if you ever need to talk, just come back to this thread.