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Because some teachers are (2)

1 Name: Reverie : 2017-11-11 03:29 ID:cm/raUJM [Del]

I just really need a place to rant without getting caught by the school.

I have an upcoming exam and it's stressing me out so much, more so than I ever expected and ever felt throughout my entire life, because I'm having a hard time with math (Oh, math). I'm not so bad with numbers but this exam requires high aptitude in math, which is very sad because I only consider myself average. The exam includes geometry (something I'm very bad at) and advance calculus (I only know of the basics, bless me). Since I want to pass and pass with flying colors at that, I approached my teachers and asked them to teach me. But they just don't want to. One even told me I'd fail. Isn't that why I'm asking for their help? Some of them are literally running away from me.
I just really hate it when the people I need academic help from the most just don't give a damn. I've always been a good student, complying with requirements and stuff, then they just brush me off when I ask them for help. I just wish Korosensei's my teacher. At least Korosensei gives a damn about his students.

I am so going to pass the exam with flying colors using my own strength and slap my teachers with my score report. Haha

2 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-11-11 10:16 ID:FD2F7LWh [Del]

I don't get why you are stressing out over something like an aptitude test? Other exams only test you over the material that's relevant to what you covered in class. Engineering asks questions that hasn't fully been covered to where you make an educated guess.

Math exams, for me, has never asked things that weren't covered. In college you do teach yourself more and the teachers only answer the quick and basic questions, unless you go to their office hours. They could think you should have asked before last minute for help, along with expecting you to keep up on your studies.