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Forgetting (6)

1 Name: Ima : 2017-11-07 01:53 ID:4uQ3SEwI [Del]

There are years worth of gaps in my memory. Cant recall the faces of those I worked with for 9 years and I only quit 2 years ago. All of my childhood is gone. I forgot my own birthday. Not to celebrate, just what day it was and what year. I can barely recall what I did today. It's all so fuzzy. I'm worried I'll forget where I live soon.

2 Name: Flora !EuaL9hSxts : 2017-11-07 04:12 ID:kvtqIBwz [Del]

You should definetly go to a doctor or psychologist and get that checked out could be dementia or amnesia or any number of other psychological diseases. In any case if it's affecting you that badly you should get it checked out.

Can relate to the vague/almost non existent memories of childhood though.

3 Name: Abdul Alah : 2017-11-07 23:52 ID:mhFHCa1M [Del]

You, my friend, have short-term memory loss.

4 Name: re-oero : 2017-11-08 17:02 ID:I7t0YQpe [Del]

>>3 you cant just diagnose someone like that.

Going to a psychologist should help figure out whats wrong.

5 Name: Shizuku : 2017-11-11 22:41 ID:NBmxsyxO [Del]

Definitely go get checked up, and it sounds more like long term memory loss, in short term you simply won't remember what you just did, but will recall it a week later(my professor had this, often times would forget they let you go to the restroom, or misplace chalk, phone, etc), in long term memory you have difficulty recalling things from a more distant past, say, a wedding day, or job experiences.
take a professional opinion though to really know for sure, it could be better, or it could be worse, you know? stay safe : )

6 Name: Kisuke21 : 2017-11-13 09:28 ID:EhqAagG3 [Del]

I had a few friends during my freshman year in college who would forget their own birthdates and years fairly often, but that was because they kept getting them mixed up with the ones on their fake ID's. Definitely not what is happening with you. As many others on this thread have already suggested, go see a psychologist or doctor that can help you determine what is going on!