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Getting Nowhere (8)

1 Name: seiphty!iSg1mjz9fU : 2017-11-02 11:50 ID:D/UCFT4e [Del]

This is going to be where I post all my non-existent sorrows and maybe I'll find some solutions.

My first issue is avoiding insanity. So I was thrown in the hospital then residential on a 5150 a while ago. I managed to get out pretty quickly and now I'm stuck in IOP group therapy. And individual therapy and psychiatry appointments. I have a lot of problems with these arrangements, but the one I will focus on is my coping urges. Pre-hospitilization, I would cut to calm myself down and release tension. Sometimes that would backfire and make things worse, but majority of the time, it was my haven. But when I was in the hospitital, my parents raided my room and found my razors and I don't know what to do. It's terrible.


2 Name: Kanra : 2017-11-02 12:29 ID:AAhU9ttw [Del]

See the problem with “mental illness” in youth today is because everyone of you kids are so damn entitled, so entitled that you can never even admit when you are, because if you think about the kids in Ethiopia, who are fighting for survival, everyday could be their last but the push on, starving, scarred, seen most of their family die, yet they fight on, but with 1st world kids is “oh no I didn’t get a good grade I gotta kill myself” or “oh no this person doesn’t treat me right, they make me feel like garbage, my suicide would stop that” but has it before? Never, a school will make a protest against bullying for a month then only about three people will remember you after that. Kids in other countries are being raped, beaten, killed, and sold into child prostitution and the ones that live still fight on, so what’s your excuse, someone said something mean and hurt you feelings? These kids get verbally abused and that’s a good day for them. So yeah you’re entitled, and one of the biggest reasons why kids have mental illnesses is because they want to have them, they see them on tv or the internet, and they see how much attention that person gets and you yourself hopes to get it, so unless your family is killed before your own eyes, don’t complain on here about how kids and parents “aren’t nice to you” and how you’re “institutionalized” because believe me, I’d rather be doing anything else than listen to your sob story

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-11-02 13:08 ID:iFNDVf6E [Del]

>>2 that’s not nice at all! I’m tired of seeing your mean comments on here, people come here for guidance and you just be mean, yeah this person has some hard times and has had to deal with stuff, you can’t just be mean to them for kicks and giggles.

>>1 im sorry to hear what you’re going through, just remember that everyday we have a struggle we need to overcome, and you’ve made it this far, just keep trying man! I know you can do it!

4 Name: Namie : 2017-11-02 14:27 ID:7v7FHesY [Del]

>muh kids in the third world
Please go back to Reddit.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2017-11-02 14:33 ID:WncLHPzU [Del]

You can get through it! I know you can!

6 Name: Kanra : 2017-11-03 10:21 ID:AAhU9ttw [Del]

>>4 Oh my! to accuse me of belonging to Reddit and then telling me to go back there, such harsh words from a person who’s very being doesn’t affect another person on this planet, so sad, I might just have to blow it over like what everyone says on this Goddamned website

7 Name: Namie : 2017-11-03 13:27 ID:/EEEeZtA [Del]

Here's your reply.

8 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-11-03 14:16 ID:mKh1moMB [Del]

>>2 well that was a lot of assumptions too. Yet it is quite accurate for most people.

I have no idea why you got into depression though. My brother is one of those entitled kids and says his life sucks when he got a bad grade. He can't comprehend my dad constantly beating me and telling me I'm a worthless shit. It f'd me up as a kid, since I had no one to turn to. It made me depressed and a sociopath, but I got better in the long run.

As for your predicadement I can't offer any advice, as I have no idea of what caused your current situation. At least your getting help for it, which I did on my own.

I don't think you're avoiding insanity, as you are worrying about a minor issue, cutting, compared to other things, like killing others.